
XrosWarsAU Ch3

New chapter from UruExplorer DTC,

Title: Digimon Xros Wars! Alternate Universe 02!

Category: Digimon

Character(s): Akari H. & Shoutmon

Chapter 3 Title: Kiriha! The Blazing Blue Flare!
Words: 6,979
Genre(s): Adventure/General
Rating: Rated: T
Summary: A World shattered, Leaving countless Explorers stranded! Now the
daughter of one of these Explorers leads her friends against the Evil Bagura
Empire. With the help of a boy who fell from the sky, Can "Xros Heart" return
Peace to the Digital World?

URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6341912/3/


Primeval 11

New chapter from UruExplorer DTC,

Title: Primeval

Category: Digimon

Character(s): Daisuke M./Davis & Guilmon

Chapter 11 Title: Book 'im, Danno
Words: 2,936
Genre(s): Adventure/General
Rating: Rated: T
Summary: When Daisuke changes history, he embarks on a journey across time and space. Can he return to the world he left, or be stuck forever? Started as a one shot combined with another idea and continued from there. Plot Holes may vary, so don't be alarmed.

URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5398603/11/


The Wild Boy Of the Digital World!

New chapter from UruExplorer DTC,


Category: Digimon

Character(s): Masaru D./Marcus & Agumon

Chapter 11 Title: The Wild Boy of the Digital World!
Words: 5,934
Genre(s): Adventure/General
Rating: Rated: T
Summary: Marcus Damon and His partner Agumon are Consultants for D.A.T.S., the
Digital Activities & Tactics Squad. The Barrier between the Digital and Human
Worlds is falling Appart as Digimon fall from the sky! Can they solve the
mystery? Rated T for Randomness.

URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4979482/11/