Click here for the comic!
So this is Christmas!
This is everything I got:
One future Sonic Screwdriver. One Four port USB Hub TARDIS, one Sonic Screwdriver/Pen with a pad of Psychic paper, and a Dalek "EXTERMINATE" Shirt.
Two bakugan, with cards; One BIONICLE SKOPIO XV1, one LEGO SPACE POLICE: Galactic Enforcer. One 55 Million Year old Shark Tooth. One personalized Sled ornament. PSYCH Seasons One and Two and G-FORCE On DVD. One AVATAR Shirt, One AVATAR toy, One RPM Toy Sword, One TSUBASA RESERVOIR CHRONICLE Character guide (Vol 2) And Three Eraser Sticks.
That's about it.
This is everything I got:
One future Sonic Screwdriver. One Four port USB Hub TARDIS, one Sonic Screwdriver/Pen with a pad of Psychic paper, and a Dalek "EXTERMINATE" Shirt.
Two bakugan, with cards; One BIONICLE SKOPIO XV1, one LEGO SPACE POLICE: Galactic Enforcer. One 55 Million Year old Shark Tooth. One personalized Sled ornament. PSYCH Seasons One and Two and G-FORCE On DVD. One AVATAR Shirt, One AVATAR toy, One RPM Toy Sword, One TSUBASA RESERVOIR CHRONICLE Character guide (Vol 2) And Three Eraser Sticks.
That's about it.
Google, Apparently.
Warnning, Ranting ahead! Proceede at Your Own Risk!
I was searching for "Sanctuary"'s Opening theme. The Tv Show, Sanctuary. I kept getting bogus results. So, I started deleting words from the search display. And deleting and deleting, and deleting until I get "Everything after BLANK Is ignored as we limit our searches to Thirty two Words." My List looked something like:
Which Gorram Hundan Came up with THE Oh So Bright idea TO LIMIT SEARCHES To THIRTY-Gorram-TWO words!!? Hmm? HMM?
Take a step forward, you Baka.
Go ahead, I won't bite.
*watches as everyone but one person takes a step back*
*Snags said person with the Blue Gravity Gun*
Now Listen Here, Mister. I am NOT Happy. Not One Bit. Do You Hear Me?
*Watches as the person shakes his head fearfully*
Good. Now Here's My Delema. I Want To Find The Opening Theme For Sactuary, The TV Show. Not "Sanctuary From Zelda" Not "Sanctuary from Kingdom Hearts" Not Some Random Guy's Lecture On Sanctuaries.
Do You Understand? I Just want What I searched for. NOT random junk of the internet.
*lets the person go*
I just can not understand WHY anyone would LIMIT a search to 32 words! I Didn't even FIND what I wanted. Limiting Search Engines to THIRTY-TWO Words is JUST NOT RIGHT!
Now, If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go cool down.
Warnning, Ranting ahead! Proceede at Your Own Risk!
I was searching for "Sanctuary"'s Opening theme. The Tv Show, Sanctuary. I kept getting bogus results. So, I started deleting words from the search display. And deleting and deleting, and deleting until I get "Everything after BLANK Is ignored as we limit our searches to Thirty two Words." My List looked something like:
Sanctuary theme" -Kingdom -Hearts -fpsbanana -faulkner -facebook -Angel -calibur -fantasy -ut3 -wwe -karl -jenkins -wedding -martin -zeldaAnd Included MORE Than that. So, I Ask:
Which Gorram Hundan Came up with THE Oh So Bright idea TO LIMIT SEARCHES To THIRTY-Gorram-TWO words!!? Hmm? HMM?
Take a step forward, you Baka.
Go ahead, I won't bite.
*watches as everyone but one person takes a step back*
*Snags said person with the Blue Gravity Gun*
Now Listen Here, Mister. I am NOT Happy. Not One Bit. Do You Hear Me?
*Watches as the person shakes his head fearfully*
Good. Now Here's My Delema. I Want To Find The Opening Theme For Sactuary, The TV Show. Not "Sanctuary From Zelda" Not "Sanctuary from Kingdom Hearts" Not Some Random Guy's Lecture On Sanctuaries.
Do You Understand? I Just want What I searched for. NOT random junk of the internet.
*lets the person go*
I just can not understand WHY anyone would LIMIT a search to 32 words! I Didn't even FIND what I wanted. Limiting Search Engines to THIRTY-TWO Words is JUST NOT RIGHT!
Now, If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go cool down.
Studying twisters.
Addendum: funny twisters.
[in russian] Tolstoy wrote "What Men Live By"
Pearl Wore a Frill
Poe rang the bell.
Henry wrote the Rainy Day.
Gerard, God's Grandure.
Allways avoid alliteration.
When a Rhyme comes around it's a similar sound.
After the Battle, Victor Hugo wrote it.
Browning a Pied Piper.
Scott Lochinvar.
[in russian] Tolstoy wrote "What Men Live By"
Pearl Wore a Frill
Poe rang the bell.
Henry wrote the Rainy Day.
Gerard, God's Grandure.
Allways avoid alliteration.
When a Rhyme comes around it's a similar sound.
After the Battle, Victor Hugo wrote it.
Browning a Pied Piper.
Scott Lochinvar.
Today, I am reviewing the Movie, "AVATAR" Which I saw in theaters today. I went to the 9 A.M. Showing, In "Real-D 3D" format. The movie itself is your basic "ex-Marine goes to and gets involved with the naitives" plot.
The hero (Jake) awakes as his (space) convoy arrives on (Pandora), a moon/Planet in orbit around Toldemer {actually a gas giant}. We soon find out that Our Hero has arrived on a Military guarded Mining base/Research facility. What are they mining? Unobtainium. {serriously, it's called "Unobtainum"} What are they studying? The Humanoid, blue skinned, barely clothed, monkey tailed naitives. So, What's the problem? The Naitives' village is sitting on a huge deposit of the Stuff in question with mining. The Scientists plan on negotating with the naitives using "AVATARS", which are brain-dead bio-clones combining their intended host's DNA with that of the Average Naitive creature. Using a "Link Up" Device in the main base, one can take controll of their Avatar, as if they were that being, but more like a Video game. Our Hero, John, is the twin brother of the original intended pilot of his avatar, but, due to {generic gun related stuff}, the brother is dead, and the {wheelchair bound} hero is put in his place to sharing the same DNA. Lucky break, eh? Our hero goes on a research mission as an escort, but wanders off and gets lost in the jungle. He meets the Chief's Daughter, and gets to stay in the village, learning all of their ways. Chief's daughter and Our hero fall in love over the course of three months, then cue the conflict. Military dudes seem to think they're the better of the naitives, have no respect for nature, ect ect ect. Needless to say, Military vs. natives, with Avatars on the Naitive side, is a nearly equal fight. Casulties on both sides. But, regardless, Military and all the Humans, excluding a few select Avatar pilots, are shipped back to their dying world, and Everyone on Pandora lives happily ever after.
I give this movie a full reccommendation. Go see it. "AVATAR", by James Cameron; get the game too, if you're that kind of person. Just get out and SEE this AWESOME movie!
The hero (Jake) awakes as his (space) convoy arrives on (Pandora), a moon/Planet in orbit around Toldemer {actually a gas giant}. We soon find out that Our Hero has arrived on a Military guarded Mining base/Research facility. What are they mining? Unobtainium. {serriously, it's called "Unobtainum"} What are they studying? The Humanoid, blue skinned, barely clothed, monkey tailed naitives. So, What's the problem? The Naitives' village is sitting on a huge deposit of the Stuff in question with mining. The Scientists plan on negotating with the naitives using "AVATARS", which are brain-dead bio-clones combining their intended host's DNA with that of the Average Naitive creature. Using a "Link Up" Device in the main base, one can take controll of their Avatar, as if they were that being, but more like a Video game. Our Hero, John, is the twin brother of the original intended pilot of his avatar, but, due to {generic gun related stuff}, the brother is dead, and the {wheelchair bound} hero is put in his place to sharing the same DNA. Lucky break, eh? Our hero goes on a research mission as an escort, but wanders off and gets lost in the jungle. He meets the Chief's Daughter, and gets to stay in the village, learning all of their ways. Chief's daughter and Our hero fall in love over the course of three months, then cue the conflict. Military dudes seem to think they're the better of the naitives, have no respect for nature, ect ect ect. Needless to say, Military vs. natives, with Avatars on the Naitive side, is a nearly equal fight. Casulties on both sides. But, regardless, Military and all the Humans, excluding a few select Avatar pilots, are shipped back to their dying world, and Everyone on Pandora lives happily ever after.
I give this movie a full reccommendation. Go see it. "AVATAR", by James Cameron; get the game too, if you're that kind of person. Just get out and SEE this AWESOME movie!
Once upon a Time in new York City...
Anybody remember the movie "Oliver and Company"?
Yeah, I thought so.
I LOVED This movie as a kid, whenever it came on TV I watched it, whenever I wanted to, I'd watch the VHS tape. Correction, I STILL love this movie, it was one of THE defining movies of my Childhood. :) I still love it.
Random search for the opening of the movie. Sad, ain't it?
Another great song, "Why Should I worry? Why Should I care?", randomly googled.
Yeah, I thought so.
I LOVED This movie as a kid, whenever it came on TV I watched it, whenever I wanted to, I'd watch the VHS tape. Correction, I STILL love this movie, it was one of THE defining movies of my Childhood. :) I still love it.
Random search for the opening of the movie. Sad, ain't it?
Another great song, "Why Should I worry? Why Should I care?", randomly googled.
Today is gonna be an URU Day!
There are 360 days of Uru Exploration until work and life comes to end it, so the daily challenge for our exploration is findin' a good way to spend it...
Drainin' the lake and filling it with chocolate pudding to swim in and eat!
Making an Xmas tree out of Bright orange cones
Or givin' a Bahro a shower!
Learning to fly, Jumping from Bahro Caves, Or Playing Myst 'Til you go comatose!
Surfin' on Shroomie's Back, Collecting Mysterious rings, Or drivin' The Laxman insane!
This could possibly be the best day ever!
(This could possibly be the best day ever)
And the Ki-cast says that tomorrow will likely be a million and FIVE times better.
So make every second count, jump up, get out and panic link away!
And let’s make sure that in every possible way...
It's gonna be an URU day!
Crossin' a desert or Jumping a canyon
Or running down a mountain of jello!
Dancing on an Ayoheek Table
Or skydiving out of Kadish's Vault!
Creating Marker Missions, tossing a beach ball, or finding a portal through time!
Standing on thin air, bending linking rules, or kicking quabs into the water!
(Oh yeah!)
This could possibly be the best day ever!
(This could possibly be the best day ever)
And the Ki-cast says that tomorrow will likely be a million and FIVE times better.
So make every second count, jump up, get out and panic link away!
And let’s make sure that in every possible way...
It's gonna be an URU day!
(Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!)
Let's put out heads together and design a master age!
We may miss lunch, but I know that you'll understand...
We've got our Mission and some towers, Blank linking books, and desire
A pocket full of animal crackers, the manual on linking mechanics,
A backpack, and a compass, and a Ki picture that won't focus,
And a pile of writing pens, grab some Ink and away we go!
(Just Brilliant!)
This could possibly be the best day ever!
(This could possibly be the best day ever)
And the Ki-cast says that tomorrow will likely be a million and FIVE times better.
So make every second count, jump up, get out and panic link away!
And let’s make sure that in every possible way...
It's gonna be a URU day!
There are 360 days of Uru Exploration until work and life comes to end it, so the daily challenge for our exploration is findin' a good way to spend it...
Drainin' the lake and filling it with chocolate pudding to swim in and eat!
Making an Xmas tree out of Bright orange cones
Or givin' a Bahro a shower!
Learning to fly, Jumping from Bahro Caves, Or Playing Myst 'Til you go comatose!
Surfin' on Shroomie's Back, Collecting Mysterious rings, Or drivin' The Laxman insane!
This could possibly be the best day ever!
(This could possibly be the best day ever)
And the Ki-cast says that tomorrow will likely be a million and FIVE times better.
So make every second count, jump up, get out and panic link away!
And let’s make sure that in every possible way...
It's gonna be an URU day!
Crossin' a desert or Jumping a canyon
Or running down a mountain of jello!
Dancing on an Ayoheek Table
Or skydiving out of Kadish's Vault!
Creating Marker Missions, tossing a beach ball, or finding a portal through time!
Standing on thin air, bending linking rules, or kicking quabs into the water!
(Oh yeah!)
This could possibly be the best day ever!
(This could possibly be the best day ever)
And the Ki-cast says that tomorrow will likely be a million and FIVE times better.
So make every second count, jump up, get out and panic link away!
And let’s make sure that in every possible way...
It's gonna be an URU day!
(Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!)
Let's put out heads together and design a master age!
We may miss lunch, but I know that you'll understand...
We've got our Mission and some towers, Blank linking books, and desire
A pocket full of animal crackers, the manual on linking mechanics,
A backpack, and a compass, and a Ki picture that won't focus,
And a pile of writing pens, grab some Ink and away we go!
(Just Brilliant!)
This could possibly be the best day ever!
(This could possibly be the best day ever)
And the Ki-cast says that tomorrow will likely be a million and FIVE times better.
So make every second count, jump up, get out and panic link away!
And let’s make sure that in every possible way...
It's gonna be a URU day!
DTC's "Dimensional Comics: Volume two: 'The Strangeness Of...' "
Comic four is out. Click the title.
The Problem with Mashmellows...
Internet Backdraft. Just... Internet Backdraft.
Try anything on the Backdraft page, and you're bound for a burnnin'.
I dare you to NOT do anything on it. Double dog dare you. Serriously. DO. NOT. DO. IT.
Try anything on the Backdraft page, and you're bound for a burnnin'.
I dare you to NOT do anything on it. Double dog dare you. Serriously. DO. NOT. DO. IT.
The Pickle Of: How RAWA became Community Manager!
[Dr CrisGer]: It was a dark and stormy night......
[Lynnutte]: And Rand showed up to say...
[Lynnutte]: Yes. Every good story starts with Rand showing up to say something. lol
[Sel]: "Ellipses... make me sound more... suspenseful..."
[Sel]: rawa.... go... order some... m-m-m...ore ellipses...
[Church]: RAWA filled his arms with maps and grabbed a notebook with his last spare finger, then headed into teh cavern to find ellipses.
[Dr CrisGer]: Suddenly a maintainer appeared......
[Lynnutte]: "Wait! You can't go in there!" he shouts
[Church]: maintainer shouted not to go into there at RAWA while looking for ellipses[Sel]: "didn't your mother tell you not to take punctuation that didn't belong to you?" the maintainer snapped
[Church]: "uh what" said Rawa as he turned around and dropped a nice drawing of shroomie.
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: "I have no Idea what you just said" He continued. "But could you not shout in my ears?"
[Dr CrisGer]: The maintainer smiled and appologized saying, sorry, but i was excitied..we just found a Bahro in the city.
[Lesli]: "oh sorry but you shouldn't have shouted in my ear like that." Rawa said.
[Lynnutte]: "I just got orders from the head honcho himself and came down here to find a good hiding place till I can remember what it was he wanted me to do." said Rawa
[Sel]: the maintiner smiled nerviously at the highly-strung historian and began to badly mime his next sentence in fear of being too loud.
[Church]: RAWA realized that he did indeed have punctuation. He took off his baseball cap that he always wears and gave back the missing comma to the maintainer.
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: "Well, I'm sorry for the trouble. I'm not after commas, but...what was it again?" Rawa scratched his head, now forgetting what he was after..
[Dr CrisGer]: The maintainer pulls out a map and a list of punctiation marks that can be found in the city....
[Lesli]: "Now where can i find that exclaimation point?" he muttered to himself
[Lynnutte]: "I think Rand may have been looking for a place to put all those extra periods that kept cropping up in his sentences." Rawa muttered while looking over the maintainers shoulder at the map.
[Sel]: Pale spread across the maintainter's face as his pathological fear of ellipses (that's a group of periods btw) was ignited once again. It had started in the Spring of 1986...
[Church]: RAWA watched as the walls of the cavern got all wavy as he was drawn into the maintainer's flashback....
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: The Maintainer had been working at a keyboard factory then, it was a very big factory, one which produced a different key every day.
[Dr CrisGer]: His first job had been to tune the Key of C to C.....
[Lesli]: his second one was printing the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEs
[Sel]: The next logical step was the . keys. "ELAINEEEEE!" shouted the maintainter as the twinkly harp music fell dead and the flashback drew to a sudden close.
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: "Well, I was expecting something more tragic, like...I don't know... The week's batch of Period keys nearly crushing you alive!"
[Dr CrisGer]: Rustling the map loudly the maintinaer drew RAWA's attention to the danger of the Great Stair being buried by a slowly sliding pile of Question Marks that lay under the Cautious Optomisim Clock....
[Lesli]: "HOLY COW!!!" Rawa exclaimed "lots of question marks!"
[Lynnutte]: "If only Cyan would open the cavern to the fans... with all those extra hands, we would have this whole mess cleared up in days!" the maintainer yelled, shaking his fist in Cyans general direction.
[Sel]: Back in Cyan HQ, Chogon and Rand stamped to the naughty chair, shamed and confused with why they even had one in the first place.
[Church]: RAWA slowly started backing out of the room to try to find the ellipses.
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: His progress was stopped, however, by a Bahro with a Machette made up of an !
[Dr CrisGer]: Ah ha, the Maintainer cried, there is that pesky Bahro called HURRY UP!
[Lesli]: and the bahro ran off and exclaimed as it stole a car and drove out of sight "oh shoot don't shoot me!
[Lynnutte]: I only brought a knife!"
[Sel]: RAWA wasn't sure if he was in Uru or Grand Theft Bahro, but decided he should really go check on the staircase before the question marks could grow any further.
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: "By the maker! Whatever you do! Don't press the red "Stop the Question marks" Button! whatever you!doooooooooooooo!"
[Dr CrisGer]: RAWA went ahead and pressed the button see what would happen. :)
[Lesli]: Then the question marks turned into masks and floated onto everyones faces
[Lynnutte]: Surprised, RAWA tore the mask from his face and noticed a foot laying motionless on the staircase.
[Sel]: RAWA knew it was a bad idea to talk to feet you didn't know (who knows where they've been), but this was an emergency... "Excuse me, do you know anything about all of... this?"
[Church]: The foot responded "Why yes I do! Can your see that thee's from a tree?"
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: "Uh..." Rawa blinked. "Where's the rest of you?"
[Dr CrisGer]: "Forsooth" said the foot, "I have been De feeted. I surrender" and it hopped down the stair and into th elake.
[Lesli]: "I wonder where the maintainer is?" RAWA wondered "He couldn't have gone far, or was that foot his foot?" He shivers lightly
[Lynnutte]: Cool!
[Lynnutte]: Shrugging off the uneasy feeling, Rawa began climbing the stairs in search of a pile of perplexing periods.
[Sel]: on his way he encountered a rogue hyphen, 2 quote marks and a tub of low fat cream cheese but not a single period was to be seen.
[Church]: Struck by an idea- RAWA approached the pile of questiuon marks overwheling the stairs...
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: He picked one up, and forcefully removed the dot off the bottom. "That's one."
[Dr CrisGer]: RAWA nimbly leaped high in the air and opening his Relto Book swiftly linked all the question marks to Rand's Relto for him to talk to later.
[Lesli]: just when RAWA thought they were all gone one started dancing and knocked him out.
[Lynnutte]: Much to his dismay, he was having such a lovely dream about.... well never mind what it was about, Rawa Is awaked by someone shaking him and yelling in his ears.
[Sel]: it's never a good thing when you wake up and a strange german family is dancing madly on your chest and yelling, thought rawa, as the little people jigged their way into his ears
[Church]: as his vision continued to clear the maintainer screaming at him came into view. Rand stuck his head in the room just at this time and said....
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: "I send you for Elipses and you bring back a loud Maintainer, Rawa! You're the new community manager!"
[Dr CrisGer]: The German family all cheered loudly, and danced happily to the sounds of the Beach Boys Bahro Band.
[Lesli]: RAWA pinches himself to see if its a dream, then he wakes up to find zombies fighting over him so they can eat him
[Lynnutte]: As RAWA watches the zombies fighting, he says not too quietly to himself, "That is the LAST time I eat any brownies made by Phil!"
[Sel]: Phil's brownie recipe was handed down for generations through his family, somewhat suprsisingly as they were usually unconscious due to dessert.
[Church]: "But they are very tasty!" thought RAWA as he rubbed his eyes to find Rand smacking him with a question mark.
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: "Oi! Didn't you hear me? I said you were community manager! I guess the shock must be too much for you."
[Lesli]: "Thank goodness that was only a dream!" RAWA said.
[Lynnutte]: "You expect me to manage that bunch of rabble rousing, , code hacking, demanding bunch of ungrateful ..... nerfherders? "RAWA exclaimed while picking up the nearest exclaimation mark.
[Church]: "Well yes. because you see- they love you and you them.. um you've never met any of them have you?" Rand hoped....
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: Rawa was about to say something else when a Bahro army armed with cone launching Gravity guns barged into the room.
[Lesli]: "CRAP! I never thought that many bahros hated me!" RAWA said.
[Lynnutte]: Smacking RAWA upside the head, Rand yelled "It was you that started this whole war!?? RUN!"
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: Just then, a soilder man with a british accent walked into the room, he said the following: "This is all to silly. I don't like silly."
The Pickle Of: How RAWA became Community Manager!
[Dr CrisGer]: It was a dark and stormy night......
[Lynnutte]: And Rand showed up to say...
[Lynnutte]: Yes. Every good story starts with Rand showing up to say something. lol
[Sel]: "Ellipses... make me sound more... suspenseful..."
[Sel]: rawa.... go... order some... m-m-m...ore ellipses...
[Church]: RAWA filled his arms with maps and grabbed a notebook with his last spare finger, then headed into teh cavern to find ellipses.
[Dr CrisGer]: Suddenly a maintainer appeared......
[Lynnutte]: "Wait! You can't go in there!" he shouts
[Church]: maintainer shouted not to go into there at RAWA while looking for ellipses[Sel]: "didn't your mother tell you not to take punctuation that didn't belong to you?" the maintainer snapped
[Church]: "uh what" said Rawa as he turned around and dropped a nice drawing of shroomie.
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: "I have no Idea what you just said" He continued. "But could you not shout in my ears?"
[Dr CrisGer]: The maintainer smiled and appologized saying, sorry, but i was excitied..we just found a Bahro in the city.
[Lesli]: "oh sorry but you shouldn't have shouted in my ear like that." Rawa said.
[Lynnutte]: "I just got orders from the head honcho himself and came down here to find a good hiding place till I can remember what it was he wanted me to do." said Rawa
[Sel]: the maintiner smiled nerviously at the highly-strung historian and began to badly mime his next sentence in fear of being too loud.
[Church]: RAWA realized that he did indeed have punctuation. He took off his baseball cap that he always wears and gave back the missing comma to the maintainer.
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: "Well, I'm sorry for the trouble. I'm not after commas, but...what was it again?" Rawa scratched his head, now forgetting what he was after..
[Dr CrisGer]: The maintainer pulls out a map and a list of punctiation marks that can be found in the city....
[Lesli]: "Now where can i find that exclaimation point?" he muttered to himself
[Lynnutte]: "I think Rand may have been looking for a place to put all those extra periods that kept cropping up in his sentences." Rawa muttered while looking over the maintainers shoulder at the map.
[Sel]: Pale spread across the maintainter's face as his pathological fear of ellipses (that's a group of periods btw) was ignited once again. It had started in the Spring of 1986...
[Church]: RAWA watched as the walls of the cavern got all wavy as he was drawn into the maintainer's flashback....
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: The Maintainer had been working at a keyboard factory then, it was a very big factory, one which produced a different key every day.
[Dr CrisGer]: His first job had been to tune the Key of C to C.....
[Lesli]: his second one was printing the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEs
[Sel]: The next logical step was the . keys. "ELAINEEEEE!" shouted the maintainter as the twinkly harp music fell dead and the flashback drew to a sudden close.
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: "Well, I was expecting something more tragic, like...I don't know... The week's batch of Period keys nearly crushing you alive!"
[Dr CrisGer]: Rustling the map loudly the maintinaer drew RAWA's attention to the danger of the Great Stair being buried by a slowly sliding pile of Question Marks that lay under the Cautious Optomisim Clock....
[Lesli]: "HOLY COW!!!" Rawa exclaimed "lots of question marks!"
[Lynnutte]: "If only Cyan would open the cavern to the fans... with all those extra hands, we would have this whole mess cleared up in days!" the maintainer yelled, shaking his fist in Cyans general direction.
[Sel]: Back in Cyan HQ, Chogon and Rand stamped to the naughty chair, shamed and confused with why they even had one in the first place.
[Church]: RAWA slowly started backing out of the room to try to find the ellipses.
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: His progress was stopped, however, by a Bahro with a Machette made up of an !
[Dr CrisGer]: Ah ha, the Maintainer cried, there is that pesky Bahro called HURRY UP!
[Lesli]: and the bahro ran off and exclaimed as it stole a car and drove out of sight "oh shoot don't shoot me!
[Lynnutte]: I only brought a knife!"
[Sel]: RAWA wasn't sure if he was in Uru or Grand Theft Bahro, but decided he should really go check on the staircase before the question marks could grow any further.
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: "By the maker! Whatever you do! Don't press the red "Stop the Question marks" Button! whatever you!doooooooooooooo!"
[Dr CrisGer]: RAWA went ahead and pressed the button see what would happen. :)
[Lesli]: Then the question marks turned into masks and floated onto everyones faces
[Lynnutte]: Surprised, RAWA tore the mask from his face and noticed a foot laying motionless on the staircase.
[Sel]: RAWA knew it was a bad idea to talk to feet you didn't know (who knows where they've been), but this was an emergency... "Excuse me, do you know anything about all of... this?"
[Church]: The foot responded "Why yes I do! Can your see that thee's from a tree?"
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: "Uh..." Rawa blinked. "Where's the rest of you?"
[Dr CrisGer]: "Forsooth" said the foot, "I have been De feeted. I surrender" and it hopped down the stair and into th elake.
[Lesli]: "I wonder where the maintainer is?" RAWA wondered "He couldn't have gone far, or was that foot his foot?" He shivers lightly
[Lynnutte]: Cool!
[Lynnutte]: Shrugging off the uneasy feeling, Rawa began climbing the stairs in search of a pile of perplexing periods.
[Sel]: on his way he encountered a rogue hyphen, 2 quote marks and a tub of low fat cream cheese but not a single period was to be seen.
[Church]: Struck by an idea- RAWA approached the pile of questiuon marks overwheling the stairs...
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: He picked one up, and forcefully removed the dot off the bottom. "That's one."
[Dr CrisGer]: RAWA nimbly leaped high in the air and opening his Relto Book swiftly linked all the question marks to Rand's Relto for him to talk to later.
[Lesli]: just when RAWA thought they were all gone one started dancing and knocked him out.
[Lynnutte]: Much to his dismay, he was having such a lovely dream about.... well never mind what it was about, Rawa Is awaked by someone shaking him and yelling in his ears.
[Sel]: it's never a good thing when you wake up and a strange german family is dancing madly on your chest and yelling, thought rawa, as the little people jigged their way into his ears
[Church]: as his vision continued to clear the maintainer screaming at him came into view. Rand stuck his head in the room just at this time and said....
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: "I send you for Elipses and you bring back a loud Maintainer, Rawa! You're the new community manager!"
[Dr CrisGer]: The German family all cheered loudly, and danced happily to the sounds of the Beach Boys Bahro Band.
[Lesli]: RAWA pinches himself to see if its a dream, then he wakes up to find zombies fighting over him so they can eat him
[Lynnutte]: As RAWA watches the zombies fighting, he says not too quietly to himself, "That is the LAST time I eat any brownies made by Phil!"
[Sel]: Phil's brownie recipe was handed down for generations through his family, somewhat suprsisingly as they were usually unconscious due to dessert.
[Church]: "But they are very tasty!" thought RAWA as he rubbed his eyes to find Rand smacking him with a question mark.
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: "Oi! Didn't you hear me? I said you were community manager! I guess the shock must be too much for you."
[Lesli]: "Thank goodness that was only a dream!" RAWA said.
[Lynnutte]: "You expect me to manage that bunch of rabble rousing, , code hacking, demanding bunch of ungrateful ..... nerfherders? "RAWA exclaimed while picking up the nearest exclaimation mark.
[Church]: "Well yes. because you see- they love you and you them.. um you've never met any of them have you?" Rand hoped....
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: Rawa was about to say something else when a Bahro army armed with cone launching Gravity guns barged into the room.
[Lesli]: "CRAP! I never thought that many bahros hated me!" RAWA said.
[Lynnutte]: Smacking RAWA upside the head, Rand yelled "It was you that started this whole war!?? RUN!"
[DimensionTraveler Calumon]: Just then, a soilder man with a british accent walked into the room, he said the following: "This is all to silly. I don't like silly."
I'M SO Excited that I'm typing in random fonts!!!
I'M SO Excited that I'm typing in random fonts!!!
Is it "The End" yet?
See the title link.
OR: See HERE or HERE for alternative threads.
Combine Super Portal, or Out of controll Missile?
What do you think? Will we be turned into zombies by Head Crab invasion and Combine armies OR is the world doomed for mass invasion by the Military?
So, what is this? Do you think?
I don't have the foggiest clue. But, this is certainly one for the books.
OR: See HERE or HERE for alternative threads.
Combine Super Portal, or Out of controll Missile?
What do you think? Will we be turned into zombies by Head Crab invasion and Combine armies OR is the world doomed for mass invasion by the Military?
So, what is this? Do you think?
I don't have the foggiest clue. But, this is certainly one for the books.
Blast from the past.
Sound familiar?
*nods along to the song*
Man, Tv songs like this just don't come along all that often.
*nods along to the song*
Man, Tv songs like this just don't come along all that often.
The Half-Life of Gordon Freeman Episode Four.
New chapter from UruExplorer DTC,
Title: The HalfLife of Gordon Freeman
Category 1: Half-Life
Category 2: Haruhi Suzumiya series
Chapter 4 Title: If only it was THAT simple!
Words: 1,699
Genre(s): Adventure/Sci-Fi
Rating: Rated: T
Summary: Gordon "Kyon" Freeman works at Black Mesa along with his friend Nova Tsuruya. Follow the events leading up to, through, and after the Reasonance Cascade. Inspired by "Freeman's Mind" of which belongs to R.S.
Link located here.
Title: The HalfLife of Gordon Freeman
Category 1: Half-Life
Category 2: Haruhi Suzumiya series
Chapter 4 Title: If only it was THAT simple!
Words: 1,699
Genre(s): Adventure/Sci-Fi
Rating: Rated: T
Summary: Gordon "Kyon" Freeman works at Black Mesa along with his friend Nova Tsuruya. Follow the events leading up to, through, and after the Reasonance Cascade. Inspired by "Freeman's Mind" of which belongs to R.S.
Link located here.
So, see that Link up there, in the title?
It's an RollPlayingGame Forum. We need players. Please join in.
It's an RollPlayingGame Forum. We need players. Please join in.
Holy...Quab in a Hat! O_O!!?
See this Uru Obsession Thread by me for a link to an offical post.
QUAB IN A HAT! Could it be? A New Digimon SERIES!!?
It seems so. Man, I'm...
*Raptor One and Tsuruya walk on screen*

"You'll have to excuse DT, He's a bit speechless right now."

"In the mean time, I have nothing to say here except stand around randomly."

*sighs* "let's just get this over with.
QUAB IN A HAT! Could it be? A New Digimon SERIES!!?
It seems so. Man, I'm...
*Raptor One and Tsuruya walk on screen*
"You'll have to excuse DT, He's a bit speechless right now."
"In the mean time, I have nothing to say here except stand around randomly."
*sighs* "let's just get this over with.
Looking for a song:
"We are W.I.T.C.H." by Marion Raven.
If anyone can find this song for me. I't be much appreciated.
Random Google'd Video link of the song.
EDIT: Ironically, I just found the song through that above link.
Go figure.
If anyone can find this song for me. I't be much appreciated.
Random Google'd Video link of the song.
EDIT: Ironically, I just found the song through that above link.
Go figure.
See Here for the first comic of the new volume!
A day late, but, should hopefully be updated once weekly on either monday or friday.
See Here for the first comic of the new volume!
A day late, but, should hopefully be updated once weekly on either monday or friday.
The HalfLife of Gordon Freeman EPISODE THREE!
New chapter from UruExplorer DTC,
Title: The HalfLife of Gordon Freeman
Category 1: Half-Life
Category 2: Haruhi Suzumiya series
Chapter 3 Title: CrashingServers and RocketPropelledJeeps
Words: 2,139
Genre(s): Adventure/Sci-Fi
Rating: Rated: T
Summary: Gordon "Kyon" Freeman works at Black Mesa along with his friend Nova
Tsuruya. Follow the events leading up to, through, and after the Reasonance
Cascade. Inspired by "Freeman's Mind" of which belongs to R.S.
Link HERE!
Title: The HalfLife of Gordon Freeman
Category 1: Half-Life
Category 2: Haruhi Suzumiya series
Chapter 3 Title: CrashingServers and RocketPropelledJeeps
Words: 2,139
Genre(s): Adventure/Sci-Fi
Rating: Rated: T
Summary: Gordon "Kyon" Freeman works at Black Mesa along with his friend Nova
Tsuruya. Follow the events leading up to, through, and after the Reasonance
Cascade. Inspired by "Freeman's Mind" of which belongs to R.S.
Link HERE!
Cyan's scilence has been for not. (dunno if that phrase works or not)
So, here's the deal folks, Cyan's been snagged up by a jumbeled up code, and a lack of employees.
They're currently trying to set up a server!
I love it when a plan comes together! *puts a pretzle rod in his mouth*
Cyan's scilence has been for not. (dunno if that phrase works or not)
So, here's the deal folks, Cyan's been snagged up by a jumbeled up code, and a lack of employees.
They're currently trying to set up a server!
I love it when a plan comes together! *puts a pretzle rod in his mouth*
Happy Turkey Day everybody!
Sayonara Bionicle.
It's official.
Bionicle, as of the STARS line, will no-longer be produceing sets. As saddening as it is, Bionicle IS NOT, I REPEAT: IS NOT ending. will continue to update with new information, serials, and other assorted things. Among the front lines for Bionicle continuing, is the EXPANDED MIULTIVERSE project on BZPower.
It's a bitter sweet victory. While we won't be seeing new Bionicle sets in the Near future, we will have the Ben10 sets, Which appear to be on a similar base as Bionicle, and a as-of-yet-un-named "more flexible" line.
So, as I sit here, writing this, Bionicle will Live on, if not in new sets, but in fan productions. Such as BZPower, FanFiction, And Comics like my own.
So, Goodbye, Bionicle, For now. Until we meet again.
Bionicle, as of the STARS line, will no-longer be produceing sets. As saddening as it is, Bionicle IS NOT, I REPEAT: IS NOT ending. will continue to update with new information, serials, and other assorted things. Among the front lines for Bionicle continuing, is the EXPANDED MIULTIVERSE project on BZPower.
It's a bitter sweet victory. While we won't be seeing new Bionicle sets in the Near future, we will have the Ben10 sets, Which appear to be on a similar base as Bionicle, and a as-of-yet-un-named "more flexible" line.
So, as I sit here, writing this, Bionicle will Live on, if not in new sets, but in fan productions. Such as BZPower, FanFiction, And Comics like my own.
So, Goodbye, Bionicle, For now. Until we meet again.
The HalfLife of Gordon Freeman EPISODE TWO.
New chapter from UruExplorer DTC,
Title: The HalfLife of Gordon Freeman
Category 1: Half-Life
Category 2: Haruhi Suzumiya series
Chapter 2 Title: It's the End of the world as we know it
Words: 2,824
Genre(s): Adventure/Sci-Fi
Rating: Rated: T
Summary: Gordon "Kyon" Freeman works at Black Mesa along with his friend Nova Tsuruya. Follow the events leading up to, through, and after the Reasonance Cascade. Inspired by "Freeman's Mind" of which belongs to R.S.
Title: The HalfLife of Gordon Freeman
Category 1: Half-Life
Category 2: Haruhi Suzumiya series
Chapter 2 Title: It's the End of the world as we know it
Words: 2,824
Genre(s): Adventure/Sci-Fi
Rating: Rated: T
Summary: Gordon "Kyon" Freeman works at Black Mesa along with his friend Nova Tsuruya. Follow the events leading up to, through, and after the Reasonance Cascade. Inspired by "Freeman's Mind" of which belongs to R.S.
Sayonara Babylon
Well, another blog by me, not much A.T.M., but, it's okay.
More updates to come.
EDIT: Typo'd link.
More updates to come.
EDIT: Typo'd link.
The Half-Life of Gordon Freeman
New crossover story from UruExplorer DTC,
Title: The HalfLife of Gordon Freeman
Category 1: Half-Life
Category 2: Haruhi Suzumiya series
Genre(s): Adventure/Sci-Fi
Rating: Rated: T
Summary: Gordon "Kyon" Freeman works at Black Mesa along with his friend Nova Tsuruya. Follow the events leading up to, through, and after the Reasonance Cascade. Inspired by "Freeman's Mind" of which belongs to R.S.
The HalfLife of Gordon Freeman, Episode one. {THIS WHOLE LINE IS A LINK!}
Title: The HalfLife of Gordon Freeman
Category 1: Half-Life
Category 2: Haruhi Suzumiya series
Genre(s): Adventure/Sci-Fi
Rating: Rated: T
Summary: Gordon "Kyon" Freeman works at Black Mesa along with his friend Nova Tsuruya. Follow the events leading up to, through, and after the Reasonance Cascade. Inspired by "Freeman's Mind" of which belongs to R.S.
The HalfLife of Gordon Freeman, Episode one. {THIS WHOLE LINE IS A LINK!}
Grav Gun ver 3
I edited the last post in the thread to include links to the newest version pictures.
Nearly done at this point.
Nearly done at this point.
Check out my newest version of the PORTAL GUN!
The Sarah Jane Adventures
So, today I find out that a show I thought got canceled after one season was. Only here in the US.
SCIFI (Back in 2008, before it became SYFY) aired a spin off of DR. Who called "The Sarah Jane Adventures." It was a good show, I thought, but, after the season finale, It was never seen again. Not even in re-runs.
Canceled. I thought.
Until today.
It's been on British Televesion every year since it premeired; annoyingly, I've never seen a speck of any of the season/series two or three episodes here in the US.
So, do a fellow Doctor Who fan a favor, if you have any links to FULL videos somewhere on the net of 'Sarah Jane Adventures', Series/Seasons Two and Three, please leave a comment with said links. So far, Google has turned out to be...Less that usefull.
Download links of episodes would be appreciated also (Copies to be kept until either the show's re-broad cast on US TV or I can purchace my own copy of the DVDs).
ALSO: SYFY, Or any other US broadcaster, if you're reading this. I'm not happy with you not showing this show after one season, and I'd like to see the remaining seasons/series, as, I asume, would several other fans of the show, without having to resort to common internet and store routes. Additionally: If you'd be so kind as to NOT use those "nelson" Rateing boxes, they're severly faulty. There are three people in my house, and we all watch the same shows on ONE tv. And, I asume, in other parts of the country, there are atleast TEN people in one large house watching a show on one large wide screen tv. You cannot count ONE rateing for ONE person each. Even if a show gets low rateings, that doesn't account for more than one person watching it. Further Noted: I'd like to take this chance to tell you that you should also show shows that people would like to see. For example, I'd like to see 'PRIMEVAL' (Also a BBC show) on US Television; if this has already been done, please let me know. Another example would be that my parrents would like to see 'TORCHWOOD', Again a BBC show, from it's start to finish on TV without resorting to buying the overly expensive full series/season DVD set.
On that note, I'll add this:
Do not do any more exectuive Meddeling on the MYST MOVIE ( )Project. You're gonna break them before you get your 'ideal' movie. JUST TAKE A GORRAM RISK ONCE AND A WHILE!
_Dimension-Traveler: Calumon
SCIFI (Back in 2008, before it became SYFY) aired a spin off of DR. Who called "The Sarah Jane Adventures." It was a good show, I thought, but, after the season finale, It was never seen again. Not even in re-runs.
Canceled. I thought.
Until today.
It's been on British Televesion every year since it premeired; annoyingly, I've never seen a speck of any of the season/series two or three episodes here in the US.
So, do a fellow Doctor Who fan a favor, if you have any links to FULL videos somewhere on the net of 'Sarah Jane Adventures', Series/Seasons Two and Three, please leave a comment with said links. So far, Google has turned out to be...Less that usefull.
Download links of episodes would be appreciated also (Copies to be kept until either the show's re-broad cast on US TV or I can purchace my own copy of the DVDs).
ALSO: SYFY, Or any other US broadcaster, if you're reading this. I'm not happy with you not showing this show after one season, and I'd like to see the remaining seasons/series, as, I asume, would several other fans of the show, without having to resort to common internet and store routes. Additionally: If you'd be so kind as to NOT use those "nelson" Rateing boxes, they're severly faulty. There are three people in my house, and we all watch the same shows on ONE tv. And, I asume, in other parts of the country, there are atleast TEN people in one large house watching a show on one large wide screen tv. You cannot count ONE rateing for ONE person each. Even if a show gets low rateings, that doesn't account for more than one person watching it. Further Noted: I'd like to take this chance to tell you that you should also show shows that people would like to see. For example, I'd like to see 'PRIMEVAL' (Also a BBC show) on US Television; if this has already been done, please let me know. Another example would be that my parrents would like to see 'TORCHWOOD', Again a BBC show, from it's start to finish on TV without resorting to buying the overly expensive full series/season DVD set.
On that note, I'll add this:
Do not do any more exectuive Meddeling on the MYST MOVIE ( )Project. You're gonna break them before you get your 'ideal' movie. JUST TAKE A GORRAM RISK ONCE AND A WHILE!
_Dimension-Traveler: Calumon
Say it with me: "Awwwwwwwwwwww!"
Lop-top name change toooo...
Lop, the other digimon, and me were listening to music last night, and she noted (durring one of the alt. versions of "Hare Hare Yukai") that she happened to talk a lot like Tsuruya-san from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
So, I jokingly agreed to re-name her Tsuruya because of this, and we all (other digimon included) went to bed soon after that.
When Lop brought it up again this morning, I decided that "tsuruya" was a better name than "Lop Top" (which was a play on the name "Lap Top"), and that it would fit in better with her Champion form of Turuiemon (65 clicks left).
So, Lop is now Tsuruya.
That is that.
Here are my digimon! As you can see, Agu-chan has evolved from a Koromon to a nice Agumon!
Also, so the other's don't feel out, Please click the others!
They all appreciate it!
*gets dog piled by the smaller digimon while Agu-chan laughs at them, as he is above shuch foolery due to his size now matching DTC's*
"Ah, isn't that how it always goes?"
All the things left unsaid...
The world's in a sorry place right now.
Between one gorram rock and a hard place, is what's the simple discription.
Right now, I just hope, and wonder, and dream.
What will the future hold? I don't know.
I want things to go differently. I want things to go the right way.
Do we, as humans hold the key to our future? Or is Destiny pre-determined?
Fate, as a relation of this, is a strange thing. It keeps us down, it keeps us up, it keeps us...
I don't know.
In my opinion, we need to look past the first glance, the fancy art work, the brilliant title, ect...ect...
We need to open the book-tear open that box!-and listen to the words spoken.
Language as a barrier? No.
It only helps us focus on LEARNING inorder to speak!
People think little kids are dumb? Truth of the matter is, they're smarter than the lot of us sorry bunch.
Beetles? Some people see them as bugs to be squashed. Me? I see them as friends to be with.
When I started this Blog, I was looking for a way to put all my comics in one place.
So much for that idea!
I'm not looking for attention, and I'm not looking for a new thing every day.
I don't think anyone even ever really READS this blog.
But, then again, I rarely check it, so... there we go!
I have tons of things to say, and no time to say them.
All the things left unsaid?
Remain unsaid.
Between one gorram rock and a hard place, is what's the simple discription.
Right now, I just hope, and wonder, and dream.
What will the future hold? I don't know.
I want things to go differently. I want things to go the right way.
Do we, as humans hold the key to our future? Or is Destiny pre-determined?
Fate, as a relation of this, is a strange thing. It keeps us down, it keeps us up, it keeps us...
I don't know.
In my opinion, we need to look past the first glance, the fancy art work, the brilliant title, ect...ect...
We need to open the book-tear open that box!-and listen to the words spoken.
Language as a barrier? No.
It only helps us focus on LEARNING inorder to speak!
People think little kids are dumb? Truth of the matter is, they're smarter than the lot of us sorry bunch.
Beetles? Some people see them as bugs to be squashed. Me? I see them as friends to be with.
When I started this Blog, I was looking for a way to put all my comics in one place.
So much for that idea!
I'm not looking for attention, and I'm not looking for a new thing every day.
I don't think anyone even ever really READS this blog.
But, then again, I rarely check it, so... there we go!
I have tons of things to say, and no time to say them.
All the things left unsaid?
Remain unsaid.
Connection Backfire chapter 3
Off on a Tangent.
Fun, eh?
I've got no clue where this is ending up... -_-;
Fun, eh?
I've got no clue where this is ending up... -_-;
DBURST DATS: New chapter!
Chap' seven is up!
Marcus and Agumon chase after Thomas into the Digital World!
What adventures await them?
Chap' seven is up!
Marcus and Agumon chase after Thomas into the Digital World!
What adventures await them?
Is the Sky falling...?
Not yet.
But people seem to think it is.
Quite Ahanonaying in my opinion.
*grabs random person by the shoulder and shakes them violently*
It's only as real as you let it be.
Not yet.
But people seem to think it is.
Quite Ahanonaying in my opinion.
*grabs random person by the shoulder and shakes them violently*
It's only as real as you let it be.
Words: 2,073
Genre(s): Adventure/General
Rating: Rated: T
Summary: When potals through time open, One Chosen Child changes everything. Can he fix time, or will he be stuck in this altered world for ever? Started as a one shot combined with another idea and continued from there. Plot Holes may varry, Don't be alarmed.
Genre(s): Adventure/General
Rating: Rated: T
Summary: When potals through time open, One Chosen Child changes everything. Can he fix time, or will he be stuck in this altered world for ever? Started as a one shot combined with another idea and continued from there. Plot Holes may varry, Don't be alarmed.
I went to see the new movie "Shorts" today in theaters.
First off, it was funny, Oh so Funny.
The movie started off with a simple screen stating "Episode 0! The Blinkers" or something like that. The story was simply put, two siblings, I'd asume twins, are eating breakfast. The boy challenges the girl to a stare off. The rest of the "Short" shows the two going through daily activitys of life, school and such, until the next morning where they're interrupted by their mom and they have to start their staring contest over again. {By the way, all throughout the movie, the Blinker twins can be seen staring and not blinking.}
Then, cue the standard movie opening.
OR not.
Our Narrator, the main hero of the story, goes to tell us of his surroundings and daily activitys. So, he goes to tell the story of a magical "Wishing Stone" only, he messes up the story's order.
Hence the name of the movie.
Cut to "Episode 2!", showing our hero/narator, Toe Toe-something (The names in this movie, did I mention, are verry "same sound"-ish. {Like "Peter Parker"}), going through his daily routine, which is verry long winded with brushing his teeth (before eating breakfast, I might add. This routine which I've seen on tv and in magazines for years just doesn't make any sense to me! Why brush BEFORE eating?!) due to his braces. So, he walks to school, and encounters the local bully gang, who happen to be ran by the son and daughter of the corporate head of the local business, who just so happens to run the town. So, Our hero Toe goes to tell his bullys off, by psycho analyzing the girl, and saying she's in love with him. Well, add on the fact that she has braces too, and it all works out, even adding in the fact that she has the gang push him into a trash can.
So, Toe has survivved another school day, and is walking home, when the bullys come along to bully him. Again. Our hero climbs into a tree, and the bullys try to stone him out of it, the last stone tossed just happens to be a rainbow translucent stone.
Our fabled wishing rock.
Long story short, our hero wishes for little alien friends, and tries to hide them in class, resulting in his (not)Love interrest trying to eat his pet fish, and resulting in the both of them tumbeling out a window onto the ground below.
Arm casts for the both of 'em.
So, the two arch-nemisses are forced to eat lunch together and share detention. And intro the friend named "Lugi" (I think) and cue...
..."Episode 1!"
Well, a day before, Lugi and his brothers are booooooored out of their minds. It's raining. Or atleast, it was. They follow a Rainbow to it's end, and...
...OOOH! SHINY....
...The Rainbow Wish rock is sitting there.
Lugi picks it up and wishes he knew what it was. The rock tells him...
They wish for the instructions, and a giant book appears before them. Forgoing that, they ask for a simplified set of instructions. They get a fortune cookie that says "Make a wish." Simple, eh?
So, some random wishes later, and our trio of brothers find themselves ontop of a castle tower with an army of wall walking alligators (Or was it Crocodiles?) right around them.
Lugi wishes for "Telephonesis", placing a telephone receiver through his head (imagine those arrows through the head joke props), and resulting in...
...from Lugi's brothers. Lugi makes the correct wish, and then wishes they were home again once the crocodiles are gone. Next wish up is that "one of us were super smart!" so that they could make proper wishes. Their baby sister gets the smarts, so the brothers wish for a catapult, and launch the stone off, only realizing moments later that they could have wished for other things that may have helped the world. Ah, I'd tell you guys the rest, but, spoilers and all, You should go see it.
Great movie, "Shorts", go see it.
See it.
Or tomorrow.
But Go See It.
I'll wish you into a Scarabax Beetle if ya don't!
First off, it was funny, Oh so Funny.
The movie started off with a simple screen stating "Episode 0! The Blinkers" or something like that. The story was simply put, two siblings, I'd asume twins, are eating breakfast. The boy challenges the girl to a stare off. The rest of the "Short" shows the two going through daily activitys of life, school and such, until the next morning where they're interrupted by their mom and they have to start their staring contest over again. {By the way, all throughout the movie, the Blinker twins can be seen staring and not blinking.}
Then, cue the standard movie opening.
OR not.
Our Narrator, the main hero of the story, goes to tell us of his surroundings and daily activitys. So, he goes to tell the story of a magical "Wishing Stone" only, he messes up the story's order.
"Looks like I'll have to tell this story out of order in a series of 'shorts.'"
Hence the name of the movie.
Cut to "Episode 2!", showing our hero/narator, Toe Toe-something (The names in this movie, did I mention, are verry "same sound"-ish. {Like "Peter Parker"}), going through his daily routine, which is verry long winded with brushing his teeth (before eating breakfast, I might add. This routine which I've seen on tv and in magazines for years just doesn't make any sense to me! Why brush BEFORE eating?!) due to his braces. So, he walks to school, and encounters the local bully gang, who happen to be ran by the son and daughter of the corporate head of the local business, who just so happens to run the town. So, Our hero Toe goes to tell his bullys off, by psycho analyzing the girl, and saying she's in love with him. Well, add on the fact that she has braces too, and it all works out, even adding in the fact that she has the gang push him into a trash can.
So, Toe has survivved another school day, and is walking home, when the bullys come along to bully him. Again. Our hero climbs into a tree, and the bullys try to stone him out of it, the last stone tossed just happens to be a rainbow translucent stone.
Our fabled wishing rock.
Long story short, our hero wishes for little alien friends, and tries to hide them in class, resulting in his (not)Love interrest trying to eat his pet fish, and resulting in the both of them tumbeling out a window onto the ground below.
Arm casts for the both of 'em.
So, the two arch-nemisses are forced to eat lunch together and share detention. And intro the friend named "Lugi" (I think) and cue...
..."Episode 1!"
Well, a day before, Lugi and his brothers are booooooored out of their minds. It's raining. Or atleast, it was. They follow a Rainbow to it's end, and...
...OOOH! SHINY....
...The Rainbow Wish rock is sitting there.
Lugi picks it up and wishes he knew what it was. The rock tells him...
"It's a wishing rock...!"
"How do you know?!"
"It told me!"
They wish for the instructions, and a giant book appears before them. Forgoing that, they ask for a simplified set of instructions. They get a fortune cookie that says "Make a wish." Simple, eh?
So, some random wishes later, and our trio of brothers find themselves ontop of a castle tower with an army of wall walking alligators (Or was it Crocodiles?) right around them.
Lugi wishes for "Telephonesis", placing a telephone receiver through his head (imagine those arrows through the head joke props), and resulting in...
...from Lugi's brothers. Lugi makes the correct wish, and then wishes they were home again once the crocodiles are gone. Next wish up is that "one of us were super smart!" so that they could make proper wishes. Their baby sister gets the smarts, so the brothers wish for a catapult, and launch the stone off, only realizing moments later that they could have wished for other things that may have helped the world. Ah, I'd tell you guys the rest, but, spoilers and all, You should go see it.
Great movie, "Shorts", go see it.
See it.
Or tomorrow.
But Go See It.
I'll wish you into a Scarabax Beetle if ya don't!
And back...
They're gone... *sniff*
My poor digimon...
...the site says my account doesn't exist, and my digimon are gone. I tried to re-register again, but it said "Wrong information" and "Try again", but it didn't work.
I want my digimon back!!!
...the site says my account doesn't exist, and my digimon are gone. I tried to re-register again, but it said "Wrong information" and "Try again", but it didn't work.
I want my digimon back!!!
Lop Top hatched! She (or he, it's hard to tell with Fresh) is a happy little Conomon!
Give her a round of applause, folks!
/hugs the little 'mon!
Oh...and wish me a happy Bday if you want, too. :/ I don't care. But Cheer for Loppy, okay?
DeeVee has hatched! It's her Bday too! (I serriously can't tell with fresh level!)
Thanks guys for helping!
if yer crazy and ya know it, blink yer eyes
New story from UruExplorer DTC,
Title: if yer crazy and ya know it, blink yer eyes
Category: Firefly
Character(s): River
Words: 704
Genre(s): Humor/Family
Rating: Rated: K+
Summary: ONESHOT Set after "Objects in Space", River has a song stuck in her
head, so she sings as she wanders the ship. Possible Light Rayne if you
Title: if yer crazy and ya know it, blink yer eyes
Category: Firefly
Character(s): River
Words: 704
Genre(s): Humor/Family
Rating: Rated: K+
Summary: ONESHOT Set after "Objects in Space", River has a song stuck in her
head, so she sings as she wanders the ship. Possible Light Rayne if you
I just realized that Picassa uploaded the pics in a somewhat out of order order.
So, my re-colection of mysterium may not be entirely accurate.
Whoops! /back away slowly
So, my re-colection of mysterium may not be entirely accurate.
Whoops! /back away slowly
My Mysterium 2009 p3
Ohh...whoops! Well, Saturday started out innocently enough.
Someone went AFK...
And people got coned.
I got a quote in the quote book!
Speaking of, does anyone have a pic of that cone sticking to the back of my neck?
We coned Eddie last.
And the cone hat he's sporting finially woke up from the last night.
Next up was the costume contest!
Cathrine was the clear favorite of the group.
Then there was a quick parade by the CCC! (Cyan Chat Camera)
The Winner was chosen..
"Hold on one second... Not everyone can win!"
"What do you mean, 'not everyone'?"
Cath1: Just look away. Just look away...
Atrus: Ah, how crazy we all are!
Cath3: I'm not crazy! Nyah nyah! :P
It was your baisic Cavern Morning.
Say Hello!
One last shot of the fountain, and we were off!
To where?
{That logo is hand drawn. :)}
We baked in the sun for a few minutes.
Would you beleive...
/me takes a sip of chocolate milk
Rand talked for a bit.
Asked a few questions.
Then motioned to his side...
"Only you can prevent Library Fires!"
It's RAWA...Resting.
Ah, how the camera makes one smile.
...We glanced around, and waited through some more speach.
We watched, and listened, and recorded.
And finially...
...After a glance around the area...
We went into the building!
Does this make us all D'ni Royalty now?
...Pwetty Twees...
RIVEN DAGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Cage!
Asorted props.
And a room full of Explorers!!!
Rand giving the "DNT" rule.
"So...Yeah... Yada yada yada! Exciting info! Now let's go eat!"
We saw some props!
And some cool games!
We were told not to open it.
It be a Spy! O_O;
Myst, first copy?
Don't ask.
Ghen's dress.
A tree with lights! And random Myst stuff for sale under it! (Dad later went back and got me the Uru Music CD)
Rand showed us some awesome props!
Like... RIVEN!
Ghen's Prison!
Cathrine's Journal!
The Crystal Pannel Fixer Thing(tm)!
Riven's covver!
More Riven.
Riven and the weapon!
We passed Cyan's vault.
Not much, just taxes...
...And other cool Cyan Stuff!
This oddity was...random
But not as random as that!
I do think that was right next to the elevator's exit.
Or not... I can't quite remember...
A Cake by Kierra!
The Relto!
The Starry Fissure!
Cake Myst!
The Relto was chocolate cake, and the Myst was white cake.
Rand signed things.
A lot of things.
Not THAT Much!
Pitchforks incase we revolted.
Someone got me with the Ytram again... ugh...
Well, there was a Town house meeting, Douglas Sharper, Echo Mackenzie, Brian Fiocia (sp?), and JD Barnes were there. (All video, unfortunately, low quality audio, Picasa doesn't upload vids {If you have a video hosting site-Don't say Youtube-please tell me in the comment secion below, okay? All I ask.}) Then Rand was givven this! He talked for a while, it was a Q&A session.
The Ytram came back at this point.
So I sat down next to these two for a bit.
And paned about.
Once I felt better(READ: not tired anymore), I got up and explored.
Finding a cone barrier, I reached over and snaged a few shots!
In another room entirely...
I found that sign!
Wandering back, I found...
...that my seat got taken. Ah well.
Explorer's waiting. For something.
"Nice hat, Muffincakes!"
Hey! Is that Tim Larkin over by the window?
The BarBebuffet!
And so began "What Would Atrus Do?" Number Two! I was on Team one with ...
ya know, I can't remember who I was on Team one with. I mean. I can remember, but I can't really. Ya know? /endramble (I blame the fluru. My mind's a bit blured. That with the Ytram darts (:P)...) We built a Quab Wash! A Quab Dryer! And a SQUEEjie!
While I was doing this, Dad went to buy me my CD, and he found the following:
We soon had to leave, as our time was up.
But a few minutes later, another group formed. We went to Taco Bell for a quick dinner, then...
Lazer tag was...less than satisfying.
But Bumper Boats was a Splash!
My hat and goggles combo, combined with my height, made me pretty well un-soakable!
I can't say so much for everyone else.
We went to Go-Karts next. They went on, Me and Dad stayed off and took pictures.
Nagi (off of Team one!) had a camera that adjusted for day/night.
And the winner is...
But it was just too slow at taking the pics, so while her's came out better, they probably show just the track. Not that my pics are any better! /shrug /lol
"What do you mean you 'have your own go-cart'?!"
We went to Mini Golf next.
We played...unconventionally.
And, alas, it was time to leave!
Blowing up a castel model with a golf put/laser rifle probably had something to do with that...
So, Listening to the Convergence track on my CD, our group discussed things on the car ride back to the hotel.
Soon, We went our seperate ways, and went to bed.
But for how long...?
By now you're wondering, what's this 'fluru' I've been talking about?
Sunday morning, around four or five or six (IDK When), I woke up shivvering. And in a few minutes I was laying in hot water, leaning against the side of the hotel bath tub, hurling my dinner, lunch, and breakfast into a trash can. Dad was fine.
I managed to survive the night, and, come breakfast, I went to find one of my team mates from WWAD1 to tell them I couldn't do the performance.
I ran into one of them, who told me our whole Wonderland group was feeling out of it. We deduced that it was taco bell, because my dad was fine, and he hadn't ordered a thing the day before! She suggested I try some orange juice, which helped for a bit. But, it came up again later.
So, I went up to floor five again, just leaned against a chair, and listened to people talk. It was looking less and less like food posioning from Taco bell and more and more like a Pento Plague.
Eleri soon opened the main room and told us last explorers standing what was happening. "People" were "dropping like flies."
Silverwood, which I hadn't signed up for, was canceled. And the VERRY sick were to be quarintined on floor 3. A group of us, including feeling-pretty-normal-for-the-time-me, set off for Riverside for a small get away.
I didn't even get out of the car, because by the time we got there, I was as tired as a... well... As tired as anyone would be with a bug like this!
Time blured, and next thing I can remember, I'm nappin' on a luggage cart on floor three, sipping some G2 Fruit Punch for energy while listening to people well enough to stand talk around in the main loby of floor three.
That was my Mysterium. Fun, eh? Yeah. It was! Until the fluru bug... {And if you were wondering, the Ytram dart lines were because of blury pictures; I was most likely full or tired from standing all day, not because someoen hit me with a Ytram *hit by Ytram dart and colapses off screen*}
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