I've had a bad past coupple of days.
Saturday: I was playing Free Realms, training to be a Ninja, but, the timed challenge I was doing was way too short. 30 some seconds to run around an island in a swamp, find some bags, then return to the start? Nuh uh. So I quit the game. Skype then crashes. I bring it back up and poof goes the task bar. So, a forced system shut down.
SUNDAY: Not so bad. Dad signed me and him up for Mysterium '09. But something came up, then, not a few minutes later, the laptop wakes from hibernation and restarts itself, installing updates.
Now: Well, I'm not so sure I'm wanting to go to Mysterium. I have to, but I'm not sure I'll enjoy it after some thinking. So, I think things through today as I log on to put up today's comic {28 for those at home) On Uru Obsession, I then realize that I'm almost out of comics to put up. So, I race to put a few more together. Guess what? The computer wants to install more STUPID Updates. After it just installed some LAST GORRAM NIGHT. Windows, tell me, is it ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY TO DO THIS?! IS IT?!
Let's just say that It's not put me in a good mood right now.
"Noooolstaaalgeeah?" says the inner four-year-old.
Oh man, I just got a major rush of fond old childhood memories just by ripping these songs I have from old-en Era Playhouse Disney. Back when Kid's TV was actually entertaining even if you'd seen it before.
Now, tell me, does anybody here rember the show "P,B,&J" with it's Oodelay-o opening and the Noodle Dance theme? No-body? Serriously? Okay...What about...
Rollie Polie Olie?
He's small, squirt and round. And in the land of curves and curls he's the swellest kid around. Howdy. Howdy! Hooray. Hooray! :P Nani?! How can you not remember the "Totally Chocolate Dinner" and "The Twirl"?!
C'mon everybody, whirl to the twirl!
Okay...what about...
*nods wisely* Yeah, i thought so. Nobody could forget a tv show where the cast played around inside a cardboard box fort where pictures come alive!!!
Isn't it great just to remember these simpeler times?
/me shapeshifts into a Koromon
/me hops off humming A tune or two in a way only a kid can
Now, tell me, does anybody here rember the show "P,B,&J" with it's Oodelay-o opening and the Noodle Dance theme? No-body? Serriously? Okay...What about...
Rollie Polie Olie?
He's small, squirt and round. And in the land of curves and curls he's the swellest kid around. Howdy. Howdy! Hooray. Hooray! :P Nani?! How can you not remember the "Totally Chocolate Dinner" and "The Twirl"?!
C'mon everybody, whirl to the twirl!
Okay...what about...
*nods wisely* Yeah, i thought so. Nobody could forget a tv show where the cast played around inside a cardboard box fort where pictures come alive!!!
Isn't it great just to remember these simpeler times?
/me shapeshifts into a Koromon
/me hops off humming A tune or two in a way only a kid can
Comics 7, 8, 9, and 10

RUUUUUUUUUUUNNN!!!!!!! OR: I asked the date what the date was, ow...
What did you do to them?!
I asked what the date was!
*turns around*
Who's a good little Bohrok Blaster? You are! Ha ha!
*mask glows*
*weapon changes*
"Say hello to my little friend!"
Now...THAT is a cool power to have!
His check bounced!

What's my power? OR: Makuta is not an U.N.C.L.E. OR: You and what army? P1
Makuta (03):
*hits ground*
*steps on him while Skrall (random) and Atakus hold his arms down*
Now then, Mister "I rule a universe", do you surrender?
Makuta (03):
Never! I'll never surrender!
Oh well then!
*is hit by nynrath ammo*
Tahu M.:
Leave the pile of anti-dermis alone, Skrall, and you may yet live!
You and what army?!
Tahu M.:
*points with blaster*
Gali M.:
*behind tuma with 03 toa nuva and Makuta Krika*
This one.
Lewa N.:
Everybody quick-look! It's the Megazord rare-sized Green-Skrall Rahi-thing!
Why you little...!
Makuta (03):
Makuta 03:
I forgot I had that power!
You did huh?

Retreat, how do you spell that? OR: I want my lawyer! OR: You and what army? P2
Great...just great...
Uhh...should we retreat...
Pohatu N. and Onua N.:
*use powers of stone and earth to launch Atakus into the air*
I'm blasting off agaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnn!!!!
Gali N.:
*treats whatever wounds are on Makuta 03*
You should really look before you leap next time.
Makuta 03:
Oh, so sue me.
I think I will.
Makuta 03:
It was a joke.
Not to me.

Comic ten: Look out for that...*Bang!!!*...Treeeeee... OR: Tree-speek is for high-fly-Le-Matoran only! OR: You and what army? P3
Lewa N.:
I'll quick-use my air powers and speed-send you sky-sleeping with your tiny-friend!
You're going to kill me!?
Tahu N.:
He means he's going to send you after Atakus.
Oh Okay.
Lewa N.:
*uses powers*
Random Toa:
Wow...who knew he could move that fast?
Where to now?
*falls ontop of Atakus*
I told you we should've gone the other way!
AU Stories
Yo yo yo! Seven Days done digimon style!
That didn't work...Right?
Yo yo yo! Seven Days done digimon style!
That didn't work...Right?
Au Stories,
Seven Days
URU VS. Free Realms
So, yesterday I signed up for a new game. FREE REALMS!!!
So, I started off by making my own character, Blue hair (kinda regreting it), green eyes, Average explorer clothes. I named my character "Uruexplorer Dtc", minus the quotes, of course, and downloaded the game. I signed in, and jumped onto a server! {I think I logged onto 7, but, it could have been 1...Curse you similary-shaped numbers!!!)
First up was training. I chased off some robgoblins, brought a pig back to it's owner, made some stew, chased off some more RobGoblins, and then went into the main game itself! The controls are a simple "WSAD" or "^V<>" arrow key pad walking system. Space bar is, of course, Jump. And you know what I find funny?
/me jumps in Free Realms
/me jumps in Myst, URU
Yup. Almost. Exactly. The Same. Jump.
Running? Yep, almost the same. Turning? Same. Swimming? Close but no Brawler's hammer. :D
The chat system is familiar, yet different, unlike URU, where you just start typing, you have to hit [Enter] first, then type, then [Enter] again to talk. It appears in the chat window, and in a kawaii little bubble above your avvie!
You start off in a forrest, and, if you're like me, you're immediately off following green dots on the ground onto your next path. Like the Marker games in URU, you can turn off this feature and just walk around.
You have a friends system, simply open the buddy window, type in a player's name, like URU, and wait for them to either accept or reject this invite. This is Unlike Uru. In Uru, you can only add a friend to your buddie list, which can result in the other player becoming spammed with your buddy chat if you can't track them down and add them as a buddie. In Free Realms, you both become friends, and are added on eachother's friends list. Also, instead of going /buddies or /neighbors, you go /tell "so and so" "message here!" It comes out as this little message:
Nice, huh?
There are these things called warpstones. You click on one, and up comes a map of the entire exploreable world. You can only teleport to places you've been, however. Like Uru. Also, the infamous "quadruple avvies inside eachother at the /spawn point" glitch is unavoidable here. But, since it's all one world, you gain controll much faster than you do in URU. Which is nice.
With the friend system, you can instantly teleport to your friends! Making hunting them down a lot easier. Especially if you just want to hang out with a friend.
The monsters...ah, the trademark difference between Uru and F.R., you go to them. Not the way the battles are scripted in most MMPORPGs. They are seperate little hub ages and they are loads of fun. For example, the RobGoblin "recovver stolen property" mission age, and the "Ruffian celler" challenge age. {NOTE: names are not right. /shrug}
Another trademark difference is that you can do whatever you want. I, for instance, am trying to be a Brawler and an Adventurer. While my friend Kate, is specializing in being a chef. Pretty cool, huh?
Worried you'll rack up this cool character and not being able to use it on another of the 10 servers? No problem. The Avvie data is stored elsewhere, meaning you can server hop to your little 'hood hoppin' heart's content and stay with the same avvie. I, for instance, went from 1/7 to 10 to 7 again, all the same data was saved, including location.
Today, I was busy leveling up my Brawler job-I battled ghost miners, some Robgoblins, lots of snakes, some monsterous plants, some trolls, and spiders-and my adventurer job (my favorite, as an Uru Explorer)-I ran missions all over the place, from Sanctuary, to Blackspore, to Merry Meadows, to Briarwood, and back to Sanctuary again! This is an annoying thing when walking, but not when you can...Teleport!-, I am now a level 6 Brawler, and a L4 Advenrurer now. :D Yay me! /clap /cheer
I spent my last few hours tonight running amok in Bugachug...or is it Wugachug?...chasing after ONE silly Kitten. I found four-or was it five?-total. Kitten madness. Meow.
So, tomorrow, I will go on server five (5) to meet up with other Uru fans!
See ya 'round the Cavern/Sanctuary!
So, I started off by making my own character, Blue hair (kinda regreting it), green eyes, Average explorer clothes. I named my character "Uruexplorer Dtc", minus the quotes, of course, and downloaded the game. I signed in, and jumped onto a server! {I think I logged onto 7, but, it could have been 1...Curse you similary-shaped numbers!!!)
First up was training. I chased off some robgoblins, brought a pig back to it's owner, made some stew, chased off some more RobGoblins, and then went into the main game itself! The controls are a simple "WSAD" or "^V<>" arrow key pad walking system. Space bar is, of course, Jump. And you know what I find funny?
/me jumps in Free Realms
/me jumps in Myst, URU
Yup. Almost. Exactly. The Same. Jump.
Running? Yep, almost the same. Turning? Same. Swimming? Close but no Brawler's hammer. :D
The chat system is familiar, yet different, unlike URU, where you just start typing, you have to hit [Enter] first, then type, then [Enter] again to talk. It appears in the chat window, and in a kawaii little bubble above your avvie!
You start off in a forrest, and, if you're like me, you're immediately off following green dots on the ground onto your next path. Like the Marker games in URU, you can turn off this feature and just walk around.
You have a friends system, simply open the buddy window, type in a player's name, like URU, and wait for them to either accept or reject this invite. This is Unlike Uru. In Uru, you can only add a friend to your buddie list, which can result in the other player becoming spammed with your buddy chat if you can't track them down and add them as a buddie. In Free Realms, you both become friends, and are added on eachother's friends list. Also, instead of going /buddies or /neighbors, you go /tell "so and so" "message here!" It comes out as this little message:
[Cal] whispers: Yo!
Nice, huh?
There are these things called warpstones. You click on one, and up comes a map of the entire exploreable world. You can only teleport to places you've been, however. Like Uru. Also, the infamous "quadruple avvies inside eachother at the /spawn point" glitch is unavoidable here. But, since it's all one world, you gain controll much faster than you do in URU. Which is nice.
With the friend system, you can instantly teleport to your friends! Making hunting them down a lot easier. Especially if you just want to hang out with a friend.
The monsters...ah, the trademark difference between Uru and F.R., you go to them. Not the way the battles are scripted in most MMPORPGs. They are seperate little hub ages and they are loads of fun. For example, the RobGoblin "recovver stolen property" mission age, and the "Ruffian celler" challenge age. {NOTE: names are not right. /shrug}
Another trademark difference is that you can do whatever you want. I, for instance, am trying to be a Brawler and an Adventurer. While my friend Kate, is specializing in being a chef. Pretty cool, huh?
Worried you'll rack up this cool character and not being able to use it on another of the 10 servers? No problem. The Avvie data is stored elsewhere, meaning you can server hop to your little 'hood hoppin' heart's content and stay with the same avvie. I, for instance, went from 1/7 to 10 to 7 again, all the same data was saved, including location.
Today, I was busy leveling up my Brawler job-I battled ghost miners, some Robgoblins, lots of snakes, some monsterous plants, some trolls, and spiders-and my adventurer job (my favorite, as an Uru Explorer)-I ran missions all over the place, from Sanctuary, to Blackspore, to Merry Meadows, to Briarwood, and back to Sanctuary again! This is an annoying thing when walking, but not when you can...Teleport!-, I am now a level 6 Brawler, and a L4 Advenrurer now. :D Yay me! /clap /cheer
I spent my last few hours tonight running amok in Bugachug...or is it Wugachug?...chasing after ONE silly Kitten. I found four-or was it five?-total. Kitten madness. Meow.
So, tomorrow, I will go on server five (5) to meet up with other Uru fans!
See ya 'round the Cavern/Sanctuary!
De Ja Vu,
Free Realms,
Power Rangers RPM: Episode 15 "Ghosts"
Wow...What an episode!
So, last week, we had Dillon going off with the rangers to find his past to Omega City in the Go-Onger. Venjix in his new body attacked, and they used my favorite zord battle. Then in come Toripter and Jetras. Venjix' armada was destroyed, and the rangers continue onto Omega City.
We start up this episode with the Rangers nearing "Kenmore", and them discussing the Gold and Silver series Zords. Doc. K then realizes that the memories Dillon was chasing are fake. Happa banki, or whatever they called it in RPM, shows up and the rangers fight it. And before they can really do anything, up show Hiroto and Miu...er...Gem and Gemma in their Go-on Wings...er...Prototype gold and Silver series suits. They push Dappa Banki back and then retreat themselves. The Rangers head back for Corinth City, only to have the Go-Onger be blown up.
:( /wavebye
We find out who Shifter is, Yogostien, as they show up to battle the Rangers. In come the wings, and-Bada Boom!-Up in flames goes the dynamite monster. "Need a ride?" Gem and Gemma ask in their twin speak, and off Toripter and Jetras go to Corinth. Doc. K says to lower the shield, and explains they built the zords when Colo. Truman doesn't think it's a good idea.
Back to the Garrage, and Gem and Gemma are still morphed. Doc K walks in from the ranger Room, Gold and Silver dismiss their helmets, and the old friends are re-united, leaving the Rangers speachless.
Great episode! RPM is a great season, and it really has been. For what could be the last PR season, it'll be the best!
So, last week, we had Dillon going off with the rangers to find his past to Omega City in the Go-Onger. Venjix in his new body attacked, and they used my favorite zord battle. Then in come Toripter and Jetras. Venjix' armada was destroyed, and the rangers continue onto Omega City.
We start up this episode with the Rangers nearing "Kenmore", and them discussing the Gold and Silver series Zords. Doc. K then realizes that the memories Dillon was chasing are fake. Happa banki, or whatever they called it in RPM, shows up and the rangers fight it. And before they can really do anything, up show Hiroto and Miu...er...Gem and Gemma in their Go-on Wings...er...Prototype gold and Silver series suits. They push Dappa Banki back and then retreat themselves. The Rangers head back for Corinth City, only to have the Go-Onger be blown up.
:( /wavebye
We find out who Shifter is, Yogostien, as they show up to battle the Rangers. In come the wings, and-Bada Boom!-Up in flames goes the dynamite monster. "Need a ride?" Gem and Gemma ask in their twin speak, and off Toripter and Jetras go to Corinth. Doc. K says to lower the shield, and explains they built the zords when Colo. Truman doesn't think it's a good idea.
Back to the Garrage, and Gem and Gemma are still morphed. Doc K walks in from the ranger Room, Gold and Silver dismiss their helmets, and the old friends are re-united, leaving the Rangers speachless.
Great episode! RPM is a great season, and it really has been. For what could be the last PR season, it'll be the best!
Sound of the day: KASHROOO!
Writing out the scripts for comics 28-33(?), I just love the sound effect for the Stranger's Energy Blast.
Inika...Toa Inika...
Well, I didn't exactly buy the Bionicle sets in 2006, and, outside of the Voyatoran, I really stoped then... But, looking back through some pictures on BZPower, I'm really regreting it. I'm regreting my stupid mind mis-reading of a stupid paragraph after I ordered the Voyatoran, and thinking that the heros I had grown to love the first few years of the melenium were dead. Or to be dead. I don't know...
So, looking now at a web site, I could order all six Inika for $160...
$160! You hear me?! If I asked someone for three year old sets...I'd...Can you imagine how that sounds? "Hey, could you get these three year old, 30 Dollar sets, in one nice package for me? I'll pay you back!" I don't think I have that much money!
I could use them in my comics, but I don't really need them. I want them...but... really...
I don't know what I can do really. I just got the Glatorian Legends, and I'm happy with them! {Missing Mata Nui} But I feel like I'm missing out. Yet at the same time I really don't want to spend any money in this stupid economy.
What's a guy to do when he's stuck between a rock and a hard place?
So, looking now at a web site, I could order all six Inika for $160...
$160! You hear me?! If I asked someone for three year old sets...I'd...Can you imagine how that sounds? "Hey, could you get these three year old, 30 Dollar sets, in one nice package for me? I'll pay you back!" I don't think I have that much money!
I could use them in my comics, but I don't really need them. I want them...but... really...
I don't know what I can do really. I just got the Glatorian Legends, and I'm happy with them! {Missing Mata Nui} But I feel like I'm missing out. Yet at the same time I really don't want to spend any money in this stupid economy.
What's a guy to do when he's stuck between a rock and a hard place?
inner struggle,
Rock and a Hard place,
Comics 4, 5, and 6

Comic four: The Battle Begins! OR: Makuta Vs. Toa!
Ready to die, Toa?
No damage? How odd!
What?! My mental command should have made you explode!
Yeah. About that...
...And that's why everything you think you know is completely wrong.
Wow...I feel...
Random matoran:
*walks by*
Betrayed? Used? Completely destroyed?
...All of the above.
*hugs him*
Aww...It's okay!

Comic Five: The Stranger is...Strange. OR: Who are you?
Ugh...I hate falling...
*mask glows slightly*
Hey?! What the...?! My body's changed?!
Who the devil are you!?
I didn't do it!
Your name's "I didn't do it!"?
Uhhh...Sure...Let's go with that...
I'm Kazi! Ko-Matoran member of the Voya Nui Resistance! (not that we have much to resist around here. No Piraka of the likes.)
Yes, evil creatures in six collors who pride themselves in their theivery. The Big guy kinda stoped collecting after he got us.
That's kinda sad...
Oh! It's okay! He's constantly told us that it was a good thing. Not enough space and all.
So where do I come in?
Ahh...No clue. I've never seen the likes of you before in my life!
TO be honnest...You look MOC-ish.
No. MOC. My. Own. Creation.
Kazi: You're a dense one, aren't you?
You try walking around with amnesia.
Point taken.

Comic 6: What was that!? OR: Chat under the stars.
It's really beautifull tonight.
OOH! See that one?!
What is it?
It's the Unity Duty Destiny symbol, which we now know is Bara Magna.
Why couldn't it be the Avohkii?
That's the one to the far left.
You're uh..well...
I really don't have the guts to say it.
You're the chronicler! You put on the Mask of Light and became a Toa! And You say you don't have the courage to say something!?
But it was a stunt double who donned the mask! And I was scarred maskless durring all my adbentures!
And Ga-Koro?
That was the easiest job I ever had! Dive underwater and find a gear! And I was scared of drowning or being eaten by a Ruki fish the whole time!
...That explains a lot...
So, I'm just a goggle head like Takato from Digimon Tamers who does really crazy things but is really scared of doing it while doing it and that's why I really don't have the courage to tell you that you look pretty and all underneath this star light and...
Back up there. Did you say I was pretty?
Oh..Yeah. So I did.
Did you mean it?
I mean everything I just said.
*nixie leans over and kisses takua*
*both watch stars in eachother's arms*
Hugs 'n' kisses,
night under the stars,
Comics 1, 2, And 3
Well, Here's the first week's comics.

Here's to hopin' there's not a text limit.

Comic one: "Wake up!" OR: "Someone tied my shoelaces together!"
Oi...My head...
Wh...Who am I...?
I have no clue...
How funny...
Wha...? Great...I'm hearing things!
Hmm...Some sort of weapon!
I'll call it...BOHROK BLASTER!
Hmm...A lable...
"N-something Ghost Blaster"? COOL!
With these tools...I'll be a...
...A Toa...
NOW! Off to do some heroic deeds!

Comictwo: New sets=fun! OR: Bad Day in LegoLand.
Tahu Mistika:
I wonder what this is about...
Look, Gali! The big guy brought new sets!
Gali Mistika:
Tahu M.:
So, we've got new people who don't know that they're toys!
Gali M.:
Oooh! This'll be Fun!
Tahu M.:
. . .
Hey! They're on clearance!
Gali M.:
No doubt because of the summer '09 sets comming out.
Tahu M.:
Hey! He brought another Onua TWO!
Gali M.:
Tahu M.:
Gali M.:
Hmm...Looks like they've been opened already.
Krika, Makuta:
You betcha!
Tahu M.:
Uh Oh...
Look, uh...
Gali M.:
We don't want any trouble!
Krika M.:
Since when, Toa?
Gali M.:
He's one of the insane ones again, isn't he?
Tahu M.:
Just give me fiiiiiiive seconds.
Krika M.: Huh?
Gali M.:
You can borrow my blaster...
Tahu M.:
I won't need it, just yet...

Can someone help me out here?
Yeah...I'm not gonna follow my Late Toa form's destiny and touch that thing!
Here's to hopin' there's not a text limit.
Now for something completely different!
So, a post now that's not a test. :D
Cyan Worlds, And Uru in future, is waiting for one man's work inorder for it to be released. Kinda like Knight Rider. "One Man Can Make A Difference" and all.
So, I'll be back in Uru Soon, We'll all be... I hope... [/ooc]
I'm ready to get back to exploring! My Relto Book's gatherin' dust!
Cyan Employee
Joined: 02 Aug 2006
Posts: 253
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:41 pm — Post subject:
Hi all,
Sorry for the long time in between updates. The silence was not by design or by any dark undertones. Sadly, there is not much to report. I am *still* waiting for a particular ex-Cyan person to send me code changes that only he can make. I know that sounds odd but unfortunately it is the truth and until I have those changes the open source can't proceed. I know that he has been heavily involved in a major release of the product he is working on, so I understand (a little bit).
After that is done, I may ask for some help from a few chosen individuals to help with readying the sources further.
On a different note: Cyan has been working with another company on something (slightly but completely) different. Of course, I can't reveal anything yet but hopefully something will be available late summer, this year. I know that is coming up quickly and it is taking all of our energies.
I could write a small book about the many transformations that Cyan has gone through over the years. Even though I was not at Cyan from the beginning, there was only one ex-Cyan employee at the time I was hired. For the most of that history, we have been a quiet, shy company that let our products do the talking. With the rise of UruLive that had to change because the game was about community and Cyan sharing itself with that community, albeit in our own shy way. So, after UruLive was canceled, Cyan has reverted back to it roots of being that quiet, shy company again, albeit not quite as shy as before.
Thanks for everyone's support.
So, a post now that's not a test. :D
Cyan Worlds, And Uru in future, is waiting for one man's work inorder for it to be released. Kinda like Knight Rider. "One Man Can Make A Difference" and all.
So, I'll be back in Uru Soon, We'll all be... I hope... [/ooc]
I'm ready to get back to exploring! My Relto Book's gatherin' dust!
Knight Rider,
Monty Python,
Okay, let's try this again...
One of the main reasons I got this blog was so I could put my comics up... But it seems that this Blogger thing doesn't allow Copy and paste.
So, let's try putting up a comic

Will it show up this time? Will it fit inside the alloted space?
Yes! Yes it does! Perfecto!
Now to fix the copy/paste thing...
EDIT: Ahha! Switching from "edit html" to compose resolves the C/V problem! Brilliant!
So, let's try putting up a comic

Will it show up this time? Will it fit inside the alloted space?
Yes! Yes it does! Perfecto!
Now to fix the copy/paste thing...
EDIT: Ahha! Switching from "edit html" to compose resolves the C/V problem! Brilliant!
Testing...Ichi, Ni, San, Shi...
Well, let's see...
The name's Cal. Well, Dimension-Traveler: Calumon to be precise. I'm an Uru Explorer, and a fan of Digimon, Power Rangers, Uru, Myst, and a whole lot of stuff. My name is my title, and my title is my name.
I have a FanFiction.net account, and you can find me on UruObsession.com.
Nothing else to say, really....
This is only a test.
The name's Cal. Well, Dimension-Traveler: Calumon to be precise. I'm an Uru Explorer, and a fan of Digimon, Power Rangers, Uru, Myst, and a whole lot of stuff. My name is my title, and my title is my name.
I have a FanFiction.net account, and you can find me on UruObsession.com.
Nothing else to say, really....
This is only a test.
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