I'll be leaving after dinner, in about...say... Six hours? Close to then.
I'm getting hungry...I'll go eat Lunch!
funny thing. I created this blog for the sole purpose of putting up my comics. When doing said creating, I decided that I'd use it for saying whatever was on my mind.
Yup. I've got three days until I leave for Mysterium and... I don't have a single thing to do!
I'd write, but I've got no inspiration. Comics? No ideas as to what to make them. Chat with people? No-one's online this fine Saturday at 12:31 P.M. Mountain time.
So, I'm writtin' here. In this strange little thing called a Blog.
It's odd, nothing to do... Really... NEW Power Rangers aren't on until the first of August. BZPower, a site where I usually kill time by browsing through their forums, has had said forums down for maintence for days now. Maybe I'll just go sit outside on this sunny day, read a book, maybe? Oh! I could pack for Mysterium!
Nah... I'll just re-play MNOLG again...
Yup. I've got three days until I leave for Mysterium and... I don't have a single thing to do!
I'd write, but I've got no inspiration. Comics? No ideas as to what to make them. Chat with people? No-one's online this fine Saturday at 12:31 P.M. Mountain time.
So, I'm writtin' here. In this strange little thing called a Blog.
It's odd, nothing to do... Really... NEW Power Rangers aren't on until the first of August. BZPower, a site where I usually kill time by browsing through their forums, has had said forums down for maintence for days now. Maybe I'll just go sit outside on this sunny day, read a book, maybe? Oh! I could pack for Mysterium!
Nah... I'll just re-play MNOLG again...
New "The Legend Reborn" page!
WAHOO! We've got a new page for the DVD! How cool is that?
I think it's awesome! AND: New character quotes!
Mata Nui
Now then... Onto business.
A few nights ago, I had a dream that Mata Nui, Ackar, Gresh, and Kiina were surrounded by Skrall and/or Bonehunters. The guys in black launch their thornax, and suddenly, they were blown away by a blazing shield of fire and/or a wall of wind. Gresh had no clue anything was happening, cringing in anticipation of the Thornax's impact. Mata Nui however realized that someone had toa powers.
Now, read Gresh's quote:
I think it's awesome! AND: New character quotes!
Mata Nui
Now then... Onto business.
A few nights ago, I had a dream that Mata Nui, Ackar, Gresh, and Kiina were surrounded by Skrall and/or Bonehunters. The guys in black launch their thornax, and suddenly, they were blown away by a blazing shield of fire and/or a wall of wind. Gresh had no clue anything was happening, cringing in anticipation of the Thornax's impact. Mata Nui however realized that someone had toa powers.
Now, read Gresh's quote:
"Mata Nui tells me I’ve got awesome ‘Toa’ powers — whatever those are — but none of you will let me test them out.”
"Oh yeah! WE TRUSTED YOU!"
well, this is interresting.
It certainly seems Somehwat spoilerish.
We get to hear Berix, Ackar, Gresh, and Kiina.
"Hmm, let me think about it for a second. Oh yeah! WE TRUSTED YOU!" _Berix
Doesn't sound like what a Traitor would say, don't cha think?
Well, this is quite interresting. All avaliable evidence points to the traitor being...
*knocked over the head and dragged away*
It certainly seems Somehwat spoilerish.
We get to hear Berix, Ackar, Gresh, and Kiina.
"Hmm, let me think about it for a second. Oh yeah! WE TRUSTED YOU!" _Berix
Doesn't sound like what a Traitor would say, don't cha think?
Well, this is quite interresting. All avaliable evidence points to the traitor being...
*knocked over the head and dragged away*
let me think about it,
The Legend Reborn,
voice over
Bye Bye Babylon
The instrumental version of Bye Bye Babylon is playing on Cryoshell's site, where you can find a download link of the song (wether full or not, IDK) on iTunes.
I'm not gonna shell out $0.99 for a song that I'll get on the CD Album when it's out in fall 09 and or probably on Lego's site. But, you do what you want.
For the most part, even without words, it's got a nice beat to it. It fits with Bionicle theme of this year, verry well, I think. It's got an easter beat to it, sounding like somethin you'd hear in a desert. Which is where the movie takes place.
Oh, sorry. This song is for Bionicle: THE LEGEND REBORN! The new movie comming out in 57 days! :)
I'm not gonna shell out $0.99 for a song that I'll get on the CD Album when it's out in fall 09 and or probably on Lego's site. But, you do what you want.
For the most part, even without words, it's got a nice beat to it. It fits with Bionicle theme of this year, verry well, I think. It's got an easter beat to it, sounding like somethin you'd hear in a desert. Which is where the movie takes place.
Oh, sorry. This song is for Bionicle: THE LEGEND REBORN! The new movie comming out in 57 days! :)
Bye Bye Babylon,
Mata Nui,
The Legend Reborn
Hmm, oddly interresting.
I just read that Disney will be RE-releasing/Re-Airing The original MMPR (Mighty Morphing Power Rangers) seasons, all three of them, in a newly remastered (IE: HIGH QUALITY)and Un-edited (IE: Original airing) on some future channel on some future date.
If this is so, Then, yes, It doesn't contradict Bandai of America's statement of continuing Power Rangers, and yet it doesn't contradict Disney's Statement of RPM being the last season of PR.
It's the best of both worlds!
*cue song*
NUVVY! Cut that out!
Sorry! Majorly sorry!
AAAAAAANywho. If this is so, the legendary POWER MORPHERS that are so sought after on the internet by dozens of people COULD Be re-released for today's kids! Along with modern day Figures, Megazords, Weapon packs, YOU NAME IT!
So, I'm excited. What about you?
I just read that Disney will be RE-releasing/Re-Airing The original MMPR (Mighty Morphing Power Rangers) seasons, all three of them, in a newly remastered (IE: HIGH QUALITY)and Un-edited (IE: Original airing) on some future channel on some future date.
If this is so, Then, yes, It doesn't contradict Bandai of America's statement of continuing Power Rangers, and yet it doesn't contradict Disney's Statement of RPM being the last season of PR.
It's the best of both worlds!
*cue song*
NUVVY! Cut that out!
Sorry! Majorly sorry!
AAAAAAANywho. If this is so, the legendary POWER MORPHERS that are so sought after on the internet by dozens of people COULD Be re-released for today's kids! Along with modern day Figures, Megazords, Weapon packs, YOU NAME IT!
So, I'm excited. What about you?
Let's GO-ON
Mata Nui and Click!
Funny thing, yesterday in the mail, I got my Mata Nui canister set! So, I immediately set out to make a comic (number 39) while I built him. I also made a tiny little Set scale Click to go with him! :) Now, take a look at this!
Mata Nui and Click meeting after he's formed!
I so nailed the being able to understand him part!
Mata Nui and Click meeting after he's formed!
I so nailed the being able to understand him part!
Of comics and Mysterium...
Whooo boy...where to start, where to start...
Well, I've been working on the comics, and the most recent one made, 35 or 36 or somethin', has a form of 7 rows with 14 pannels each. Hai, Big. So, the next one, I'm trying to shrink it to a 5x5 grid. I ended up with enough pannels for a 5x8 comic.
Let me tell you... I'm not so sure about Mysterium. I'm bound and set to go, but it's not looking so nice as planned. I was planning on bringing along my MP3 player, plug it in a USB, and copy songs AS it charges. Nice, eh? Well, I'm not sure I'm going to be bringing along ANY computer. So, even though I said I could get through the trip on one charge for the player, I ended up buying another one, with a belt clip, so that I could replace the battery if I needed to. Then, there's the whole deal of me still not being sure I want to go entirely, even though I know I have to and that I'll have a great time, there are a few concerns...
Non of which I'll mention.
Ah, still... Life's a pain. Things never go the way you want... Your graphics card is intergrated, no: you can't take a computer, No: you can't do this, you can't do that...
Well, I've been working on the comics, and the most recent one made, 35 or 36 or somethin', has a form of 7 rows with 14 pannels each. Hai, Big. So, the next one, I'm trying to shrink it to a 5x5 grid. I ended up with enough pannels for a 5x8 comic.
Let me tell you... I'm not so sure about Mysterium. I'm bound and set to go, but it's not looking so nice as planned. I was planning on bringing along my MP3 player, plug it in a USB, and copy songs AS it charges. Nice, eh? Well, I'm not sure I'm going to be bringing along ANY computer. So, even though I said I could get through the trip on one charge for the player, I ended up buying another one, with a belt clip, so that I could replace the battery if I needed to. Then, there's the whole deal of me still not being sure I want to go entirely, even though I know I have to and that I'll have a great time, there are a few concerns...
Non of which I'll mention.
Ah, still... Life's a pain. Things never go the way you want... Your graphics card is intergrated, no: you can't take a computer, No: you can't do this, you can't do that...
a go,
Engines are,
Comics 11, 12, and 13
Okay, Trying again...

I hate aliens. OR: Space...The final...Place for bad teleportation mutations to occur...
Alien One (Vissy Red):
Begin the teleportation sequence.
Alien two: (Vissy blue):
*beams aboard*
Sweet Mother of Karzahnii in a gravy boat! What did you do to it?!
Nothing, sir! I sware! It appears to be some sort of feed back radation loop.

Comic twelve: ...I'm A WHAT!? OR: Should you tell him, or should I?
*eyes close*
*muffled voices*
A1: (disembodied)
A2: (disembodied)
*eyes open then close*
*shiiik* *Zap*
*shiiik* *Zap*
*shiiik* *Zap*
*shiiik* *Zap*
*shiiik* *Zap*
Hey! He's waking up!
Oh, so he is.
Ugh....My head...
*closes eyes*
Hey...What the...?
Should you tell him, or should I?
What the...?!
Do the honors my friend.
...You're a couple of chunks of plastic in a combined form to make a toy. A children's toy to be precise.
He thinks he's dreaming. How naieve.
Nuhvok Va/???:
Let him rest. I have a feeling he'll need it.

COMIC13: It's Friday the...No, wait, it's Monday... OR: Time for some backstory!
"A Long, long time ago..."
"...In a galaxy far away!"
"Kate, wrong song!"
"Sorry, Cal! Sorry!"
*sigh* "Anyways...It was a bright sunny day here in...where it is that this comic takes place..."
"And a strange wave length signal was finially reaching it's destination. Swarms of strange creatures were just awakening from their long made slumber."
"These creatures are called Bohrok. And they have one purpose...To clean..."
"...Every single spot off of my stovetop oven!"
*sigh* "Yes, well, still...To clean the Island of Mata Nui of vegetation, and return it to a chunk of rock in the sea."
"Too bad that that's where the signal originally started from. Deep in a city called Metru Nui, a Toa of Sonics had unleashed a small swarm of Bohrok to battle invaders."
"Too bad his signal reached out of the Matoran Universe and through an interdimensional crack into our world."
TAHNOK! Bohrok of the Flame!
Melts Anything With It's Flame Blasters!
GAHLOK! Bohrok of the Water!
Creates Flash Floods With It's Shields!
PAHRAK! Bohrok of the Stone!
Crushes Solid Stone Like Salt With It's Pounders!
NUHVOK! Bohrok of the Earth!
Digs Through Anything With It's Claws!
LEHVAK! Bohrok of the Swamp!
Melts Anything With It's Acid Shooters!
KOHRAK! Bohrok of the Ice!
Freezes Everything Then Shatters It With It's Saws!!
"Each has a unique power, they never give up, and are drivven by creatures called Krana."
"Bohrok toys all over the world awaken to find their way to Mata Nui, and cleanse the island."
"And so begins our tale..."
"In the next comic!"

Tsubasa in Bionicle/comic format? Why Not!
You know, I'm loving Tsubasa as an idea concept. I mean, look at my name, it's no duh why I love it! Dimension Hopping is so cool! So, I'm taking my characters who will be close enough matches of the Tsubasa cast so I can do the show, sort of, in the comics! :D
Also, Expect some more of the previous comics later today!
Also, Expect some more of the previous comics later today!
...Day Early. Almost.

On that happy note, I'll add onto it.
I got Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE, season one, On DVD today at Best Buy.
Ba-da ba ba baaaa...
/me glares at Nuvvy, who's off Screen A.T.M.
"I'll just go now!" *Gulps and leaves*
Anywho, it's a great show, almost exactly following the Magna! You should look into it!
The main plot is like this:
It's a really epic story. Words alone do not do it justice. You should really look for the Magna or the Anime, or BOTH!
It's that good.
Go get it.

On that happy note, I'll add onto it.
I got Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE, season one, On DVD today at Best Buy.
Ba-da ba ba baaaa...
/me glares at Nuvvy, who's off Screen A.T.M.
"I'll just go now!" *Gulps and leaves*
Anywho, it's a great show, almost exactly following the Magna! You should look into it!
The main plot is like this:
In the country of Clow, Syaoran, an archeologist, and Sakura, the princess, are childhood friends who embark on a mysterious journey through worlds.
Durring a dig, Sakura comes and visits her friend, only to be en-fused with ancient powers when she inspects a marking on the floor. Syaoran goes to save her by pulling her out of the energy, in the form of wings on her back. The wings, however, shatter, and are scattered through dimensions, taking her memories with them.
They are sent to another world, where the Dimensional Witch, Yuuko, awaits them...And two others. Fai D. Flowright, Wizard seeking dimension traveling as a means of escape, and Kurogane, Skilled warrior banished for his senceless killing while seeking to return home, also arive from their respective worlds. Yuuko requires a price from each of them inorder to allow them to freely travel worlds. For Kurogane, it's his sword. For Fai, it's his magic sealing tatoo. And for Syaoran and Sakura, it's their friendship. "Even if you collect all her memories, she will never remember you as you were." Says Yuuko.
Using the small creature called "Mokona Modoki", the foursome travel from world to world, looking for Sakura's memory feathers. Some are easy to find. Some are being used by others for less than pure intentions. All must be returned to Sakura or else...She will die.
It's a really epic story. Words alone do not do it justice. You should really look for the Magna or the Anime, or BOTH!
It's that good.
Go get it.
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