Ohh...whoops! Well, Saturday started out innocently enough.

Someone went AFK...

And people got coned.
I got a quote in the quote book!

Speaking of, does anyone have a pic of that cone sticking to the back of my neck?

We coned Eddie last.

And the cone hat he's sporting finially woke up from the last night.

Next up was the costume contest!

Cathrine was the clear favorite of the group.

Then there was a quick parade by the CCC! (Cyan Chat Camera)

The Winner was chosen..



"Hold on one second... Not everyone can win!"

"What do you mean, 'not everyone'?"


Cath1: Just look away. Just look away...
Atrus: Ah, how crazy we all are!

Cath3: I'm not crazy! Nyah nyah! :P

It was your baisic Cavern Morning.


Say Hello!

One last shot of the fountain, and we were off!

To where?

{That logo is hand drawn. :)}

We baked in the sun for a few minutes.


Would you beleive...




/me takes a sip of chocolate milk

Rand talked for a bit.

Asked a few questions.

Then motioned to his side...

"Only you can prevent Library Fires!"

It's RAWA...Resting.

Ah, how the camera makes one smile.

...We glanced around, and waited through some more speach.

We watched, and listened, and recorded.

And finially...

...After a glance around the area...

We went into the building!

Does this make us all D'ni Royalty now?

...Pwetty Twees...

RIVEN DAGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Cage!


Asorted props.


And a room full of Explorers!!!

Rand giving the "DNT" rule.

"So...Yeah... Yada yada yada! Exciting info! Now let's go eat!"

We saw some props!

And some cool games!

We were told not to open it.

It be a Spy! O_O;

Myst, first copy?

Don't ask.

Ghen's dress.


A tree with lights! And random Myst stuff for sale under it! (Dad later went back and got me the Uru Music CD)

Rand showed us some awesome props!

Like... RIVEN!

Ghen's Prison!

Cathrine's Journal!

The Crystal Pannel Fixer Thing(tm)!

Riven's covver!


More Riven.


Riven and the weapon!

We passed Cyan's vault.

Not much, just taxes...

...And other cool Cyan Stuff!

This oddity was...random

But not as random as that!

I do think that was right next to the elevator's exit.
Or not... I can't quite remember...

A Cake by Kierra!

The Relto!

The Starry Fissure!


Cake Myst!


The Relto was chocolate cake, and the Myst was white cake.

Rand signed things.

A lot of things.

Not THAT Much!

Pitchforks incase we revolted.

Someone got me with the Ytram again... ugh...


Well, there was a Town house meeting, Douglas Sharper, Echo Mackenzie, Brian Fiocia (sp?), and JD Barnes were there. (All video, unfortunately, low quality audio, Picasa doesn't upload vids {If you have a video hosting site-Don't say Youtube-please tell me in the comment secion below, okay? All I ask.}) Then Rand was givven this! He talked for a while, it was a Q&A session.

The Ytram came back at this point.

So I sat down next to these two for a bit.

And paned about.

Once I felt better(READ: not tired anymore), I got up and explored.
Finding a cone barrier, I reached over and snaged a few shots!

In another room entirely...

I found that sign!

Wandering back, I found...

...that my seat got taken. Ah well.

Explorer's waiting. For something.

"Nice hat, Muffincakes!"

Hey! Is that Tim Larkin over by the window?

The BarBebuffet!

And so began "What Would Atrus Do?" Number Two! I was on Team one with ...
ya know, I can't remember who I was on Team one with. I mean. I can remember, but I can't really. Ya know? /endramble (I blame the fl
uru. My mind's a bit blured. That with the Ytram darts (:P)...) We built a Quab Wash! A Quab Dryer! And a SQUEEjie!

While I was doing this, Dad went to buy me my CD, and he found the following:

We soon had to leave, as our time was up.

But a few minutes later, another group formed. We went to Taco Bell for a quick dinner, then...

Lazer tag was...less than satisfying.

But Bumper Boats was a Splash!

My hat and goggles combo, combined with my height, made me pretty well un-soakable!

I can't say so much for everyone else.

We went to Go-Karts next. They went on, Me and Dad stayed off and took pictures.

Nagi (off of Team one!) had a camera that adjusted for day/night.

And the winner is...

But it was just too slow at taking the pics, so while her's came out better, they probably show just the track. Not that my pics are any better! /shrug /lol

"What do you mean you 'have your own go-cart'?!"
We went to Mini Golf next.

We played...unconventionally.
And, alas, it was time to leave!

Blowing up a castel model with a golf put/laser rifle probably had something to do with that...
So, Listening to the Convergence track on my CD, our group discussed things on the car ride back to the hotel.
Soon, We went our seperate ways, and went to bed.
But for how long...?
By now you're wondering, what's this 'fl
uru' I've been talking about?
Sunday morning, around four or five or six (IDK When), I woke up shivvering. And in a few minutes I was laying in hot water, leaning against the side of the hotel bath tub, hurling my dinner, lunch, and breakfast into a trash can. Dad was fine.
I managed to survive the night, and, come breakfast, I went to find one of my team mates from WWAD1 to tell them I couldn't do the performance.
I ran into one of them, who told me our whole Wonderland group was feeling out of it. We deduced that it was taco bell, because my dad was fine, and he hadn't ordered a thing the day before! She suggested I try some orange juice, which helped for a bit. But, it came up again later.
So, I went up to floor five again, just leaned against a chair, and listened to people talk. It was looking less and less like food posioning from Taco bell and more and more like a Pento Plague.
Eleri soon opened the main room and told us last explorers standing what was happening. "People" were "dropping like flies."
Silverwood, which I hadn't signed up for, was canceled. And the VERRY sick were to be quarintined on floor 3. A group of us, including feeling-pretty-normal-for-the-time-me, set off for Riverside for a small get away.
I didn't even get out of the car, because by the time we got there, I was as tired as a... well... As tired as anyone would be with a bug like this!
Time blured, and next thing I can remember, I'm nappin' on a luggage cart on floor three, sipping some G2 Fruit Punch for energy while listening to people well enough to stand talk around in the main loby of floor three.
That was my Mysterium. Fun, eh? Yeah. It was! Until the fluru bug... {And if you were wondering, the Ytram dart lines were because of blury pictures; I was most likely full or tired from standing all day, not because someoen hit me with a Ytram *hit by Ytram dart and colapses off screen*}