So, today I find out that a show I thought got canceled after one season was. Only here in the US.
SCIFI (Back in 2008, before it became SYFY) aired a spin off of DR. Who called "The Sarah Jane Adventures." It was a good show, I thought, but, after the season finale, It was never seen again. Not even in re-runs.
Canceled. I thought.
Until today.
It's been on British Televesion every year since it premeired; annoyingly, I've never seen a speck of any of the season/series two or three episodes here in the US.
So, do a fellow Doctor Who fan a favor, if you have any links to FULL videos somewhere on the net of 'Sarah Jane Adventures', Series/Seasons Two and Three, please leave a comment with said links. So far, Google has turned out to be...Less that usefull.
Download links of episodes would be appreciated also (Copies to be kept until either the show's re-broad cast on US TV or I can purchace my own copy of the DVDs).
ALSO: SYFY, Or any other US broadcaster, if you're reading this. I'm not happy with you not showing this show after one season, and I'd like to see the remaining seasons/series, as, I asume, would several other fans of the show, without having to resort to common internet and store routes. Additionally: If you'd be so kind as to NOT use those "nelson" Rateing boxes, they're severly faulty. There are three people in my house, and we all watch the same shows on ONE tv. And, I asume, in other parts of the country, there are atleast TEN people in one large house watching a show on one large wide screen tv. You cannot count ONE rateing for ONE person each. Even if a show gets low rateings, that doesn't account for more than one person watching it. Further Noted: I'd like to take this chance to tell you that you should also show shows that people would like to see. For example, I'd like to see 'PRIMEVAL' (Also a BBC show) on US Television; if this has already been done, please let me know. Another example would be that my parrents would like to see 'TORCHWOOD', Again a BBC show, from it's start to finish on TV without resorting to buying the overly expensive full series/season DVD set.
On that note, I'll add this:
Do not do any more exectuive Meddeling on the MYST MOVIE ( )Project. You're gonna break them before you get your 'ideal' movie. JUST TAKE A
_Dimension-Traveler: Calumon