
Primeval Chapter Three!

New chapter from UruExplorer DTC,

Title: Primeval

Category: Digimon

Character(s): Daisuke M./Davis & Guilmon

Chapter 3 Title: Ain't no rest for Time Travelers
Words: 4,050
Genre(s): Adventure/General
Rating: Rated: T
Summary: When potals through time open, One Chosen Child changes everything. Can he fix time, or will he be stuck in this altered world for ever? Started as a one shot combined with another idea and continued from there. Plot Holes may varry, Don't be alarmed.

LINK: My Little Experiment in Randomness Continues.


The Half Life Of Gordon Freeman, Number ten slight recap

New chapter from UruExplorer DTC,

Title: The HalfLife of Gordon Freeman

Category 1: Half-Life
Category 2: Haruhi Suzumiya series

Chapter 10 Title: We're all allright, we're all allright!
Words: 1,735
Genre(s): Adventure/Sci-Fi
Rating: Rated: T
Summary: Gordon "Kyon" Freeman works at Black Mesa along with his friend Nova
Tsuruya. Follow the events leading up to, through, and after the Reasonance
Cascade. Inspired by "Freeman's Mind" of which belongs to R.S.


New chapter from UruExplorer DTC,

Title: Connection Backfire

Category: Digimon

Chapter 4 Title: Going where noone has gone before!
Words: 2,300
Genre(s): Adventure/Humor
Rating: Rated: T
Summary: You all know by now that digivices connect humans and digimon
together, but did you know they have a flaw? Find out what happens to the
'verse when Kimeramon accidentally reverses this connection between partners.
Rated T for safety.

URL: This Is That. Expect a Primeval update this weekend!



Comic 19.

Been a while since I did this on the blog. whoops.

Link is in the title.



A History for New explorers- IC Version

Dear Community,

I've noticed recently that some new explorers have come down to the cavern recently and are a bit confused by events. I would like to remedy that with a (hopefully) Brief history on events in the cavern.


Back in the early two-thousands, a group known as the D'ni Restoration Foundation, headed by Elias Zandi, was formed for the exploration and restoration of the Underground cavern of D'ni. D'ni is a D'ni word loosely meaning "New Life", The D'ni race escaped their old, dying world to come to ours, of course, it wasn't ours then, but you get the point. The D'ni race have all since died out, with only a hand full of them surviving orginally. {The D'ni race now live of the age of Releeshan.}

The DRF group eventually evolved into the D'ni Restoration Council, or DRC, including members: Doctor Richard Watson; Ikuro Kodama, Victor Laxman, Michal Engberg, and Marie Sutherland. The DRC, in late 2003, began bringing authorized explorers down to the cavern of D'ni. It was at this time that Yeesha, Daughter of Atrus- A Decendent of a survivor of the D'ni race-, began bringing un-authorized explorers down to the cavern. The DRC were supprised by this turn of events, but were unsettled even more by mysterious atifacts (Un-authorized Linking books, strange linking stones, Pages, cloths and Strange doorways) began appearing in their ages. The DRC Did not have much time to ponder this, however, as Restoration Engineer Phil "phend" Henderson vanished without a trace. As the DRC investigated, an explorer found Phil traped behind the "Bahro Door" In Eder Kemo. Phil then ran off, and later re-appeared on top of the Tomb of the Great King (See The Kings Hall journals), quoting "He will come" before plummeting to his supposed Death in a cave in.

The First restoration closed in early 2004, forcing the authorized explorers back to the surface (Or to follow Yeesha's path), and leaving the un-authorized explorers, along with their Relto books, alone in an abandoned Cavern. Durring this time, Explorers re-calibrated the Great Zero in Private instances of the city, opening mysterious shell shaped portals that linked to the Great Shaft, including a journal by Dr. Watson, who had stayed behind after the closing of the restoration. A short time later, Explorers soon found a new path, The Path of the Shell, set up by Yeesha. A new journal on The Watcher, a mysterious D'ni prophed who was supposedly born mid-link, and his five volumes of "Words" Were added to Relto Book Shelfs. Inside the Er'cana and Ahnonay Ages, strange pieces of papers with numbers {EG: "4:12"} were scattered on walls along with strange box/line drawings.

The numbers refrenced the Watcher's words, and the box/line drawings refrenced to a final puzzle, which was accessed when one completed the path via walking an actual shell rune. The final puzzle was located inside MYST Island's fireplace, which you linked into from the shell path. The code revealed a linking book to K'veer, where you were rewarded with a cryptic message.

In 2005, Dr. Watson partook on a Journey of his own. A journey on which the events of the game "MYST V END OF AGES" Is based upon. He Freed the bahro race, giving them their freedom, though if these events are accurate or not remains to be seen.

In late 2006, the DRC returned to cavern, albeit without funding. They were attempting to attract funding from varrious sources, one of these funders, Cate Alexander, decided to take the bait.

The DRC were now with funding, and were preparing to open the cavern officaly, when the strangest event happened. Durring a DRC press conference, KI's started going haywaire, Laxman remarked "What The!?" Before a Bahro scream, unlike any ever heard before, occured. This scream was heard throught EVERY age. Even explorers on the surface, having long abandoned the restoration, or those who had never even heard of D'ni, heard this scream. This "Great Scream" Linked explorers to their Relto ages, leaving those who had never before used a linking book very confused. Those who knew what happened were confused though. The Scream had Removed their relto pages, reset their age progress, and utterly fried their KI's. The KI's were not the only thing reset, however, all D'ni Technology, from the Imagers and Doors down to the Water fountains stoped working.

Explorers began to explore once again, with the DRC leading in front, backed with funding by Miss Alexander. The DRC released Four Pods, each linked with mysterious portals, which were on the same age. These pods were supposed to show vibrant animal life. But, they were supprisingly lacking. The answer was simple. A Predator was killing the animals. The next age to be released by the DRC was Minkata, durring this release, however, A terrible event happened, Wheely Engberg, Daughter of Michael Engberg, was traped in a cave in. A Bahro was traped with her. Durring the week long rescue attempt, Explorer's rallied to save her. But, before the DRC could get the girl from the cave, the bahro attacked and killed her. The wounds made by the Bahro were identical by the predator on the animals. Douglas sharper then revealed that while he was surveying the animals in Negilahn, he witnessed the bahro at war with eachother. The DRC then Released Er'cana for Reviving the Lake, then Jalak and the Guild pubs. Durring this, Phil Henderson was found to be alive. Ahnonay was released, and Yeesha returned to the Cavern, leading the Waring bahro away from the cavern.

Explorers left a few months later, only now to return after a Sensor was tripped.
I Hope this brief history was brief enough.




UGH. Just. UGH.

So, last night everything was fine and dandy, then URU Froze. And I had to turn the computer off just to get it to close.

Cut to this afternoon, I'm trying to get everything back up and running, and ONE Tab of IE in particular Freezes. Making me close All IE windows down entirely, and restart.

I am not amused.
