
Chapter 8, Primeval, Testing.

New chapter from UruExplorer DTC,

Title: Primeval

Category: Digimon

Character(s): Daisuke M./Davis & Guilmon

Chapter 8 Title: Insert Event Here
Words: 863
Genre(s): Adventure/General
Rating: Rated: T
Summary: When portals through time open, One Chosen Child changes everything. Can he fix time, or will he be stuck in this altered world for ever? Started as a one shot combined with another idea and continued from there. Plot Holes may varry, Don't be alarmed.


Understanding Time Travel is Primeval Chapter 7

New chapter from UruExplorer DTC,

Title: Primeval

Category: Digimon

Character(s): Daisuke M./Davis & Guilmon

Chapter 7 Title: Understanding Time Travel...
Words: 2,658
Genre(s): Adventure/General
Rating: Rated: T
Summary: When portals through time open, One Chosen Child changes everything. Can he fix time, or will he be stuck in this altered world for ever? Started as a one shot combined with another idea and continued from there. Plot Holes may varry, Don't be alarmed.



The Oncoming Storm...

Posted by Dimension-Traveler: Calumon at 2:02 PM
7, 10, 10. "Nice Job Breaking It"
I'm of the general opinion that a certain percentage of the Human Race is doomed to Fail.

Today there was a "BOMB" In Ae'gura. It was some fancy Robot like OHBot, but... Still.

I don't know what it did, or what it was for. People were being idiots and kept distracting the "Bomb" by making it reset it's countdown.


Ah... Dra Just Messaged Me, Apparently the "BOMB" Would reset anyways.

My Original Point stands: There was a guy, continually reseting the bomb's countdown, and being told off NOT to do it. By. EVERYONE.

He Still Did it.

So the maker turned off the "BOMB" and refused to turn it back on until the guy would stop.

And I left for Pellets, actually sighing and then saying I was leaving. Linds said not to, but that guy ruined it for me. LATER: Even though he left, and they restarted the "CountDown" of he Bomb. It still was ruined for me.

I've got to say this, though, I've NEVER seen my KI List So long in a LONG time! Eleven Buddies, and Five Neighbors!

I Still say a certain percentage of the human race is doomed to fail, though. As Long as we keep taking back bahro pillars, and being a general Baka in the behavior department, and doing all the things that are the reverse of how things should be...

Well. You get the picture.

I was originally going to end with "Now to work out some anger." But now I'm going to end with...

Now to see a couple of Gekomon about a few "B" T-shirts.

_|)||+||<| ...Man I need to copy this all to a computer one of these days. My handwriting is HORRIBLE! Posted by Dimension-Traveler: Calumon at 12:41 PM

Well, goes to show, this "Bomb" thing isn't a LITERAL bomb, but a Metaphorical Bomb.

People I THOUGHT I knew are acting like total IDIOTS! Kemy has insulted Megan, and Whil has said he doesn't take My opinion's seriously after a slight (UNDERSTATEMENT) argument. Both have earned the distinction of being on my ignore list.

I DO NOT Take kindly to my friends being insulted.

I DO NOT take kindly to Everyone acting like Jerks and Idiots.

I DO NOT Take kindly to this Situation.

What was something that could be Fun and Entertaining has degraded into a free for all SHOUT-Fest.

I'm Sorry, But this has gone on for far too long.

The Timer on this "BOMB" hasn't even gone off yet, and yet the results have been disasterous.

We've been sitting on the timer, holding it seconds from reaching zero. I think...

I think it's time that we set this firework off.

Once and for all.


XROS POSTED WITH: Pens Linking Books and Beetles