Okay: Cyan, Just give us a one word answer, Yes, No, or Maybe.
We NEED To Know. NOW. The In-fighting on the MOUL Forums has just gotten on my last nerve! "Hack" or "Not a Hack", "Cyan Story" or "Player Story", It has Gotten to the point anymore that when ANYTHING happens, the community immediately Shouts To the Sky: "OMGEE! IT'S A HAAAAACK!"
First thing: The Memorial Imager Incident.
When it was seen that the Imager displayed the infamous "Killroy" Message on a Day when the Vault went completely BONKERS, everyone on the MOUL Forums IMEEDIATELY asumed that it was a Hack. Some even went as far as to suggest a "Cleansing" of the community. Someone I Rather respected.
I later learned, through a group of explorers who had been part of a Beta version of URU at some point, that the "Killroy" message was the Default text for the Imager.
CYAN: You never clarifyed on this. Not a single "Yes", "No", or "Maybe" from you.
Take the chance now to Clarify, Was the "Killroy" message on the imager a Hack?
One Word: Yes, No, or Maybe.
Second: The "NotABeast" That appeared last night.
It was my friend's first Bahro sighting. Let me stress that. Her FIRST Bahro.
Now, NotABeast appeared at the Dock Link in point, Stayed there for a bit, and poofed. He then appeared in Kirel, similarly stayed, and then vanished.
Here's the funny thing: People got a KI# off of him. Heck, I even added it to my Buddies list. Got a Pic of it too. As of this moment, said KI# does NOT show on buddies. Exactly like the old Bahro of MOUL 1. Which leads me to believe that this is Your doing, Cyan, and that the brief "Showing" of the KI# was just a glitch in your Cloak.
Now, People on MOUL Forums asumed IMEDIATELY That NotABeast was a Hacked account. Some even went so far as to say that the fact that the KI# SHOWED Was because it was a Hack. ONE Person says his "Group" have "Tools" That allow them to view the vault and it's core, and allow them to find avatars and match them to One account. This guy said that "NotABeast" was a bahro avvie in the same account as another Bahro Avvie named, Get this, "OMG!HAXXOR!" or something of the like.
Now, ask yourself this. If you were some elite Hacker, and knew the in-s and out-s of the server, and you could make an avvie a Bahro, Would you HONNESTLY name it "Hey! I'm a Hack!" Right out in the open like that? Sure, if you wanted to keep it to your self and never show it to anyone; But what would be the point in doing that?
None at all.
If I were a Hacker of the Vault, Which I am not, I wouldn't name an avvie "Hey! Hack right here!" Even for a Joke to MYSELF. I would use ALL Five avatars to their maximum useability. Not even for a private joke. Just Common sense.
Now, back to the "Hack" thing. I just mentioned that the guy said his group has "Tools that can access the vault."
Did any of you catch that?
That's right! He Just ADMITED To hacking! Which is what this whole arguement about the Bahro avvie is about, right? And yet NO-ONE on the Thread about this Bahro arguement has commented on this, saying "Hey, aren't YOU Hacking and disturbing the vault? Maybe YOU'RE the guy we should not be trusting."
I think this guy's just trying to make trouble. Think back to the Pilot Episode of CASTLE.
The Serial Killer was matching Castle's book murders almost exactly, wiped the crime scenes CLEAN of all evidence, such as finger prints, but sends the guy a LETTER, basically ADMITING to the crime, with his fingerprints all over it? Adds up, right?
A Set up. A SMART Hacker wouldn't go to all the trouble- And you'd have to be smart to hack Cyan's Vault- only just to admit it's a hack!
I'm sorry, but not even the Drizzle tools for OFFLINE URU Can make your avvie look like a bahro, and yet some guy can make it work online via a hack, not once but TWICE, and admits it as a Hack by NAMING an avatar "OMGHACK!"?
Sorry, You're lieing.
BACK To what I said about the KI#. I added it, it was there, I Even took a Print screen of it! And now it's vanished. Without a trace. Only Cyan's SUPER KI'S can cloak numbers. I think, that there was some sort of problem with the Bahro Avvie last night when "NotABeast" appeared. It stayed on the Link In Spot, then poofed as if it quit down. I think the avatar was CRASHING upon linking.
It's certainly happened lots of times before; Ghosted avvies standing on the link in spot, not responsive to anything. I think that when it Linked in, the KI Cloak wasn't active like it was supposed to be, and hence caused the avatar to crash in public ages.
Now, the KI# is gone from my Buddies list. I said before that this is like what the Bahro Avvies back in the OLD MOUL were like, right? YES! EDIT: You say the avvie was Deleted? Try creating a New Character: NotABeast already exists.

Cyan, Yes No Or Maybe, is this Bahro, NotABeast, Yours?
I'm betting the answer is 'Yes.'
NOW: To my final Point: Willing Suspension Of Disbelief.
I said that Nota-San was my friend's first Bahro sighting. She's not IC or OOC by any regards. Just a player. But still, the first bahro sighting is an amazing thing. Hack or No Hack, I'll always remember MY first bahro sighting, just as she'll remember her's. But if it turns out to be a Hack, this memory will always be tainted.
The above two incidents listed show that the MOUL Forums are in a serrious need of Willing Suspension of Disbelief. Or Rather, a Suspension of Said Suspension. People on the MOUL Forums IMMEDIATELY Deduce that ANYTHING remotely Strange happening is a Hack anymore. Without investigating, or without clarification, this will just continue on.
What Happened to the Kind, Caring, and NON-JUDGING URU Community that I've known over my ENTIRE LIFE? Has it suddenly gone and died? Torn appart from within, Just Like the D'ni Cavern we've so long fought to explore? This IS The last chance URU has of living. Open Sourced. Trusted to the Community that kept everything alive for so long, only to be droped to the ground and fed to the Dogs?
The MOUL Forums are at a point where they are NOTHING but fighting. This is the first thing any new explorer will see. FIGHTING. It's not a prety Picture. CYAN, I Suggest you disable the MOUL OFFICIAL Forums entirely, but instead give links to EVERY Fan site there is. Uru Obsession, Guild of Writers, Guild Of Messengers, Greeters, Maintainers, Rel.to, ANYTHING! But just turn off the MOUL forums for now.
Ah, I think I've ranted for long enough, so I'll just say this:
By trying to "Protect" the game we so dearly love, by declaring anything and everything "EVIL!" you're doing nothing but Harm to the Cavern.
You guys need to Mo-men-tai! Take it Easy!
Cyan TRUSTS the community enough to Open Source URU to us, the fans- The Hackers- The Writers- The Moderators- The Maintainers- The Explorers! By delcaring everything-that's-kept-URU-alive-for-so-long as Evil, you're breaking that trust given to us.
I'm sorry if I sound demonic or anything, but that's just how I feel about it. Feel free to hunt me down and burn me alive, if you want. Send the Bloody Spanish Inquisiton, if you feel that strongly about it!
Just STOP Fighting, people! You're driving me to the point where I don't think I want to be here anymore.
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